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Published November 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Harper, Kansas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility; library; and municipal facility.

The City of Harper (City) is requesting proposals from qualified contractors interested in performing roof repair/replacement on the following city-owned structures that were damaged by large hail during a weather event on April 30, 2024. This RFP provides for the scope of work, as well as requirements for submission of proposals. It was brought to our attention that the anticipated needs on the City Hall and Sewer Treatment Plant roofs were not accurate as to what currently exists and what the replacement expectations will be. There was also some questions as to the Scope of Work. Please see below for the information regarding the core samples for the roof at City Hall and Sewer Treatment Plant. Sewer Treatment Plant: -Concrete Deck -Base Sheet -Adhered 2” Polyisocyanurate Insulation -Adhered EPDM City Hall: -Concrete Deck -Base Sheet -Tapered EPS insulation-3” minimum thickness, ¼” per foot slope -1/2” Wood fiber -Ballasted EPDM Also, for the scope of work, we apologize that we are not roofers so we took exactly what the roof adjuster provided in their report. That is one of the reasons why we encouraged the on-site visits. If you are submitting a proposal, please submit as we have set forth and if you have alternative solutions that you would like the City to consider, please include that as an add-alternate. If during your inspection of a structure you see that the Scope of Work is lacking for that structure, again please submit as we have set forth but indicate any additional work you deem appropriate including the costs. The review committee will be evaluating all bids thoroughly and will be making further inquiries through the evaluation process. This is not a low-bid award type of project. You can see in the evaluation criteria that history/experience (please note, this includes the history of the crew performing the work, not just the firm), capacity to perform the work, and time to complete the work will be evaluated as strongly as the overall cost of the project. The proposal should clearly demonstrate how the firm can best satisfy the requirements of the City. The City reserves the right to enter into an agreement with the firm presenting the proposal that is most advantageous to the City. Please direct questions or comments related to this RFP to: Tiffany M. Hartson, City Administrator City of Harper 201 W. Main St. Harper, KS 67058 (620)896-2511 thartson@cityofharper.com


Fire / Police


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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September 16, 2024

October 16, 2024


Multiple Locations, Harper, KS

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