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Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Sioux City, Iowa. Completed plans call for the construction of a parking garage; for site work for a parking garage; municipal facility; and municipal facility.

The project is located at the intersection of 18th Street and Steuben Street and includes a new garage and office space for the City Utilities Field Office. The project shall include but is not limited to, site work, concrete footings, foundations, concrete floors, steel columns and beams, steel trusses, steel bar joists and deck, insulated metal panels, TPO roofing, HVAC, plumbing, electrical, lighting, cameras and fencing. Each bid must be made on a form furnished by the City and must be accompanied by a bid bond, a cashier's check or certified check of an Iowa bank or a bank chartered under the laws of the United States, or a certified share draft drawn on a credit union in Iowa or chartered under the laws of the United States, in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid, made payable to the City Treasurer of the City of Sioux City, Iowa. The check or draft may be cashed by the City Treasurer as liquidated damages in the event the successful bidder fails to enter into a contract within the ten (10) days after notice of award and post bond satisfactory to the City ensuring the faithful fulfillment of the contract. Work shall commence upon receipt of the Notice to Proceed from the City and be fully completed by October 1, 2026. This project has an early start date of November 1, 2024, and a late start date of April 1, 2025 The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. However, the City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, readvertise for new bids and to waive informalities that may be in the best interest of the City. By virtue of statutory authority, a preference will be given to products and provisions grown and coal produced within the state of Iowa and to Iowa domestic labor. Project Description Mr. Stan LaFave, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor for the City of Sioux City presented preliminary project information in emails on March 5, 2024. Mr. Mike Neswick of RML Architects, LLC provided additional information in emails on March 6 and 28, 2024, and May 16, 2024, and telephone conversation on March 28, 2024. The email on March 6, 2024, included a drawing titled, Site Plan and Sheets S1.1, S1.2, S2.1, S2.2, S2.3, S3.1, and S3.2. The email on May 16, 2024, included an updated drawing titled Site Plan showing the new proposed location of the building and pavement. CTS understands that the City of Sioux City is looking to construct a New Utilities Field Services Building at the southeast corner of the intersection of 18 th Street and Steuben Street in Sioux City, Iowa, which will include concrete access drive and parking. The following is our understanding of the project: Building Single-story structure with slab-on-grade and partial second story mezzanine Plan dimensions of approximately 140 feet by 362 feet Steel columns and beam construction is proposed Our report is based on maximum column loads of 105 kips and wall loads on the order of 1 KLF Our report is also be based up to 3 feet of fill being required to bring site to grade The geotechnical recommendations presented in this report are based on the available project information, building location and the subsurface materials described in this report. If the noted information is incorrect, please inform CTS in writing so that we may amend the recommendations presented in this report if appropriate. CTS will not be responsible for the implementation of its recommendations when it is not notified of changes in the project. Purpose and Scope of Services The purpose of this study was to explore the subsurface conditions at the site to prepare recommendations for foundation, floor slab and pavement areas for the proposed new building location construction. Based on the information provided and our past experience in the project area, CTSs original scope of work included performing Borings B1 through B9 to depths of 20 feet below the existing ground surface in the building area and Borings B10 through B13 to depths of 8 feet below the existing ground surface in the pavement areas; however, based on the new location of the building, CTS performed Borings B-A, B-B, and B-C to depths of 20 feet below the existing ground surface in the eastern portion of the new building location area. It should also be noted that Borings B14 through B42 were also performed on the property and the results of these borings were provided in CTS G7321 Addendum. At the completion of the fieldwork, samples collected in the field will be transported to the laboratory and tested to determine select engineering properties that will be used in our analysis. The results of the fieldwork, laboratory testing, project information and other information will be evaluated by a professional engineer familiar with the soil conditions in the area and presented in a report. This report briefly outlines the testing procedures, presents available project information, describes the site and subsurface conditions, and presents recommendations regarding the following: Suitability of site for the construction of the proposed project Site preparation and grading procedures for project Foundation types, depths, allowable bearing capacities and estimate for potential settlement Pavement subgrade and pavement thickness recommendations Comments regarding factors that will impact construction and performance of the proposed construction. The scope of services does not include an environmental assessment of the site. SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS Site Location and Description The site for the proposed project is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of 18 th Street and Steuben Street in Sioux City, Iowa. The property is bordered by a commercial building to the north, graded lot with stockpiles to the east, tree line to the south, and Steuben Street to the west. At the time of drilling, the site was either covered with grass or was graded. The site sloped down to the east with approximately 4 feet of elevation change between the boring locations. The site was firm at the time of our site visit and the drill rig did not experience difficulty moving around the site.


Parking Garage


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work





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September 24, 2024

November 1, 2024


18th St & Steuben St, Sioux City, IA

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