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Published October 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Overland Park, Kansas. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Clarification Deadline 9/11/2024 5:00 PM Contact Information Larry Allen JCCC Senior Buyer - Campus Services lallen35@jccc.edu 913-469-2336 The College intends to contract for the repairs and improvements associated with ADA travel routes, general walkway smoothness/drainage and removal and replacement of deteriorating unit pavers. The College intends to contract for the repairs and improvements associated with ADA travel routes, general walkway smoothness/drainage and removal and replacement of deteriorating unit pavers. JCCC is asking that all bids be broken down by area as indicated on plan (i.e. Area A, Area B, Area C, Area D and Area E) as the College may opt not to perform work in an area due to budget constraints. JCCC is asking for unit pricing for all work items to allow for selective reduction or increase as budget dictates. To accomplish the project the winning bidder will be required to selectively remove and reset unit pave walkways and provide clean pulverized topsoil in areas of disturbance adjacent to the areas of work. The winning bidder will be responsible for providing all necessary barricades, fencing and signage to protect the traveling public from the work areas. The winning bidder will be required to work closely with JCCC Campus Services Staff to coordinate shutdown of areas for work. The winning bidder will be responsible for providing edging pavers. JCCC will provide all Pavestone field pavers for use by the winning bidder. The winning bidder will be required to provide all necessary edge pavers, fill materials (AB-3), bedding materials, joint sand materials and topsoil needed to complete the project. The winning bidder will be required to work with JCCC Grounds keeping Staff to locate and disconnect existing sprinkler systems in areas of work that may be damaged because of the work. The winning bidder will be responsible for protecting existing unit pavers and improvements not being replaced during the work and will be responsible for replacement of all damaged improvements at their cost. TERM OF AGREEMENT The Agreement will continue until all deliverables have been satisfactorily met as specified in this Section 1 and the Agreement but shall not extend beyond June 30, 2025, unless agreed upon by both parties by written amendment. In the event funding approval is not obtained by the College, this Agreement shall become null and void effective the start date of the most recent extension. During any agreed upon extension periods, all terms and provisions of this Agreement shall remain in effect. Bid Guaranty (Bid Bond): A bid guaranty equal to five percent (5%) of the bid total and made payable to "Johnson County Community College" must accompany this bid to ensure faithful performance with the conditions of this Request for Bid and/or resulting agreement. B. Performance Guarantee (Performance Bond): Prior to initiation of any work, the successful Contractor will be required to submit a Performance Bond to Procurement Services for the total amount (100%) of the Agreement as security for the faithful performance of this Agreement. The Performance Bond shall provide for recovery by the College of any and all damages, including attorneys' fees, suffered by it by reason of the Contractor's failure to perform any of its obligations, recovery being permissible from the Contractor and the surety or either of them. C. Public Works Bond (Statutory Bond): Prior to initiation of any work, the successful Contractor shall also file with the Clerk of the District Court in Johnson County, Kansas, with an original stamped bond document to Procurement Services, a Public Works Bond as required by K.S.A. 60-1111, and amendments thereto, in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the total price. The Public Works Bond is not required for projects with a contract price below $100,000; however, in such instances, 1. A list of all subcontractors must be provided to the College at the initiation of the project, to be supplemented on a monthly basis as new subcontractors are identified, and 2. Contractor must provide fully executed unconditional lien waiver and release forms by all subcontractors prior to receipt of progress and final payments related to work tied to each subcontractor. D. Authenticity of Bonds: Necessary bond forms shall be issued by a Surety Company licensed to do business in the State of Kansas.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - County

Paving, Site Work



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September 17, 2024

October 17, 2024


Multiple Locations, Overland Park, KS

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