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Published October 22, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a transportation facility in South Burlington, Vermont. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 37,400-square-foot transportation facility.

Rehabilitation ofthe existing South Hangar at 200 DaVinici Drive, So. Burlington, to convert the existing hangar building into an Aviation Technical Center for the Burlington School District. Reuse existing building shell and utility services and fully reconstruct the building interior to house the Burlington School District's Aviation Tech program. Constructed in 1984, the existing hangar building is approximately 33.000 square feet consisting of open hangar space, offices, and an elevated storage mezzanine. The two-story office/mezzanine space occupies approximately 4,400 square feet and is located along die east side of the building. The building was constructed of cast-inplace concrete foundations with a Pre-Engineered Metal Building (PEMB) superstructure. The mezzanine area was constructed of structural steel girders and joists with a three-inch total thickness concrete slab-on-deck floor. The building has most recently been used for aircraft storage and. maintenance. As a part of this project, the building is proposed to be renovated into spaces designed for high school and adult technical education. The contract time for completion of all work is July 15,2025 for the Base Bid plus if any Additional Alternatives are selected. Question Deadline Sep 13, 2024 From the time of advertising until the actual bid opening for this Contract, all prospective Bidders, Contractors, Subcontractors, and Suppliers shall direct all inquiries related to this project solely to Adam Frosino, Project Engineer. McFarland Johnson, at afrosino@mjinc.com, The deadline for submitting inquiries related to this project. Responses to inquiries submitted, will be posted by Wednesday, September 18,2024. A successful Bidder entering into a contract for any portion of the work included in a proposal shall provide the Owner sufficient surety in the form of 100% Performance and Payment Bonds as outlined in the Supplemental General Provisions. Your firm has been pre-approved by the Burlington School District to be eligible to submit a bid on the upcoming BTC Aviation Airport Hangar renovation project located at 200 DaVinici Drive, So. Burlington, Vermont. The Owner will not discriminate against any bidder because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The proposal section includes a Proposal Checklist. If all the forms and documents listed in the Proposal Checklist for inclusion in the Proposal are not included with your Proposal and correctly executed, the Proposal may be considered non-responsive. It shall be a requirement of each bidder to submit with its bid proposal, a detailed project schedule in accordance with the "Instructions to Bidders" section The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, to waive any formality and any and all technicalities in bids and to accept such bids as may be deemed in the best interest ofthe awardmg agency


Transportation Terminals


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200 Davinci Dr, South Burlington, VT

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