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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Russellville, Arkansas. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Russellville (City) was awarded a Safe Streets for All grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation to fund the development of a Safety Action Plan with two demonstration projects. The City must satisfy all federal transportation funding guidelines, and USDOT/FHWA design development requirements, in order to receive reimbursement for project development. Project Objectives Use a Safe System framework to create an implementation-focused Safety Action Plan for improving traffic safety in Russellville by: 1. Using adata-driven approach to create a shared understanding of underlying conditions and improvement needs; and 2. Utilize the data from the two funded demonstration projects to inform the safety action plan; and 3. Ensure the impacts to underserved communities in all aspects of the data analysis and plan execution are considered; and 4. Generating broad support for the plan through multiple stakeholder and citizen outreach events; and 5. Developing a clear approach to implementation of safety activities identified by the plan; and 6. Position the City to secure SS4A grant funds for plan implementation. Items of Services to be performed Scope of Work Task 1: All Phases Oversight and Coordination The Project Management Team will consist of city staff and the consultant and will be responsible for the oversight of the creation of the Safety Action Plan and the demonstration projects. They will also be responsible for the following: A. Coordination between the City and the consultant; and B. Ensure all Federal and State requirements and laws are met regarding consultant led work; and C. Ensure all agreements between City and FHWA are adhered to regarding consultant led work; and D. Consultant will submit monthly status reports to the City Grant Administrator; and E. Project administration duties necessary to fulfill the contract including invoice submission for payment by the 10th of each month to the City Grant Administrator; and a. Late invoices will be processed the following month. F. Ensure timely progress toward goals Deliverables: 1. Project management plan; and 2. Monthly meeting agendas and summaries; and 3. Monthly progress reports and invoicing. Task 2: Deployment of Demonstration Activities The consultant will be responsible to collect and assist with demonstration activities to ensure that activities undertaken provide the data in a format needed by the consultant to adequately inform the Safety Action Plan. The following items will be the responsibility of the Consultant: A. Collect traffic data pre and post installation B. Participate in the process of completing demonstration activities a. City to install tactical roundabout. b. City to contract with artists on artistic crosswalks. c. City to work with artists and volunteers to install artistic crosswalks. C. Evaluate demonstration activities to inform the Safety Action Plan Deliverable: 1. Evaluation of demonstration activities. Task 3 Components of the Safety Action Plan Sub Task A- Safety Analysis The consultant will be responsible for conducting a safety audit and assessment for the entire community. The Consultant will provide the following information as part of the creation of a Safety Action Plan. A. Consultant will assess the traffic, crash and roadway inventory data available in the area. B. Identify Risk Factors. C. Identify High Injury Network and any high priority corridors based on metrics identified by the Project Management Team. Sub Task B- Stakeholder and Community Engagement The consultant will ensure that the proposal includes robust stakeholder and citizen engagement. This engagement will be used to supplement and enhance crash and roadway data to identify priority areas for safety improvement. Engagement plan shall identify the unique multi-faceted methods of engagement being proposed. Additionally, stakeholder and community involvement will be essential in building support for the safety action plan and the strategies and projects it recommends. Sub Task C: Planning Process Review The consultant shall indicate how an assessment of current city policies, plans, guidelines and standards shall be conducted in relation to recommendations included with the Safety Action Plan. Deliverables: 1. Dataanalysis plan; and 2. Highinjury network map; and 3. Dataanalysis summary targeting metrics identified; and 4. Public Engagement Plan; and 5. Meeting collateral, including handouts, presentations, and displays; and 6. Website and interactive map; and 7. Meeting summaries; and 8. Documentation of recommended policy and process updates and revisions. Task 4: Create Safety Action Plan The consultant shall create a Safety Action Plan utilizing the data obtained under previous tasks with the primary goal to reduce traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries within our transportation system. The consultant shall identify high-risk areas, prioritize safety improvements, and implement strategies that address the most critical safety issues. The consultant shall identify key components to include as part of the implementation section of the Safety Action Plan creating a "to-do list" for the City and its partners. Project prioritization will include an equity assessment, project costs and lessons learned with recommendations in accordance with the Cities Grant Agreement. Deliverables: 1. TheSafety Action plan to include: a. Implementation plan with countermeasure toolbox; and b. Project evaluation matrix; and c. Prioritized list of improvement projects. Task 5: Grant Support The consultant shall work with City staff and FHWA to ensure that the requirements of the Grant Agreement are met. This shall include all documentation as outlined in the Grant Agreement as required for the performance measures. Measures selected by the City include Equity, Costs, and Lessons Learned with Recommendations due within 120 days after the end of the period of performance. Deliverables: 1. Documentation as required by Grant Agreement; and 2. Performance Measure Reports. Proposal Specifications: The evaluation and selection of a consultant will be based on the proposal submitted. Interviews may be requested based on final scoring outcome. In order to properly evaluate the firms, each consultant must include in the submission the following documents: 1. Anintroductory letter that covers the following: understanding of the project, a positive commitment to complete the work by a timeframe set by the Project Management Team not to exceed the limits of the grant, briefly summarize about why your firm should be selected. 2. Project Proposal: A project proposal in response to the scope of work should be submitted to include the following elements: i. ii. iii. Adetailed work plan that identifies all tasks required in accomplishing the work; and An organization chart showing key personnel by name, title, and task; and Adetailed work schedule identifying major milestones 3. AnSF330formisrequired. If the project team changes, an updated SF 330 form will be required. 4. DBE Considerations: DBE consideration or participation should be provided. Requests for clarification or revision to any items, requirements or specifications contained in this Scope of Work must be addressed to the City official listed below and received in writing at the City office no later than 3:00 p.m. (CDT) on September 10, 2024. Kellie Dinkel, Grant Administrator C/O City of Russellville, 203 S Commerce. Russellville, AR 72801 Verbal communications won't change the terms or obligations in this Scope of Work or any resulting contract. Following receipt of a written request for the Scope of Work clarification, the City shall post a response on the Cities website no later than 3:00 p.m. (CDT) on September 20, 2024. This procedure shall be followed in order to ensure competitive fairness by providing all prospective respondents with the same information.


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October 1, 2025


Multiple Locations, Russellville, AR

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