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Published October 30, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Grand Blanc, Michigan. Working plans call for the renovation of a clubhouse / community center.

*As of October 30, 2024, all bids were rejected because they exceeded the remaining ARPA funds available for the Senior Center. Bids Received: Red Guard Fire and Security - $21,156.65 SSD Cabling & Cameras LLC- $8,903.43 Nerds Xpress - $16,947.54 Technology Install Partners/Security Designs - $24,986 IVS Comm -$7,100 Teoma Systems - $17,018.79 Michigan Tech Partners LLC -$22,423.53 Flylock Security Solutions Detroit North - $17,783 International Controls & Equipment- $9,398.20+ Upgrade Option$1,904 Global Solutions Group, INC- $9,239.60 Innovative Technology Solutions - $23,005.04 Vector Tech Group- $16,670 VanBelkum 1year license for camera and viewing station-$19,991.99 5year license for camera and viewing station-$24,932.39 Proposals are solicited on the basis of a lump sum price for all labor and material required to complete the project as designed and specified in the contract. The principal items of work include: Provide and install outdoor cameras on the exterior of the building to provide general coverage of the parking lot, entryways, and walkways . Provide and install indoor cameras to provide coverage of the Multipurpose room, West entry hallway, and the foyer area of the main entrance . Provide and install a new security camera display monitor for viewing by office staff o Provide and install a rack mount Network Video Recorder. NVR must have remote viewing capabilities for identified staff members and Police . Provide and install a rack mount UPS for power backup protection for the NVR. Provide and install a lockable wall mount cabinet to house the NVR, UPS, and Cat 6 Patch Panel . Provide and install a Cat 6 cable run to each camera . Provide installation and configuration of the system Provide system admin training for identified staff members The above referenced project is a federally funded activity authorized under the U.S. Department of the Treasury Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (SLFRF). Please refer Bid Tabulation for detailed bid result The right is reserved by The Charter Township of Grand Blanc to accept any bid, to reject any or all bids, and to waive any irregularities in any bid, in the interest of The Charter Township of Grand Blanc. For any questions regarding the bid packet, please email Matt Kimmer kimmer@gbtgov.com. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS: All work done in conjunction with this project including, but not limited to the security camera installation at the Grand Blanc Senior Center located at 12632 Pagels Drive Grand Blanc, MI 48439. The Grand Blanc Senior Center is in the jurisdiction of the City of Grand Blanc and all City Code applies. Contractor will be required to secure all required permits, if necessary. PROJECT SCOPE: The selected qualified contractor will be hired to provide, install, and configure the security camera system at the Grand Blanc Senior Center located at 12632 Pagels Drive Grand Blanc, MI 48439. PROJECT RESTORATION: The contractor shall be responsible for all restoration work in connection with this project. All construction debris and garbage must be removed. All successful bidders must comply with federal labor standards, including the Davis-Bacon Act and the Copeland Anti-Kickback legislation and federal equal opportunity requirements. Minority/Women/Handicapped business owned enterprises (MBE/WBE) seeking bid opportunities under this Project Notice are encouraged to respond.

Final Planning

Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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12632 Pagels Dr, Grand Blanc, MI

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