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Published December 31, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a library in Seattle, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a two-story above grade library.

The Project is a structural upgrade and renovation of an existing 2-story concrete and unreinforced masonry building including; renovated staff areas, seismic upgrades, and accessibility improvements including a new elevator. Scope involves replacement of the existing HVAC and fire alarm systems; modifications to plumbing, and electrical systems, including a new electrical service; structural upgrades include foundation systems, shear walls, and concrete moment frames: new elevator; excavation and site improvements for accessibility upgrades; low-voltage and security improvements in coordination with the Owner's vendors; and interior and exterior finish repairs. The building is a designated Seattle landmark and is on the National Register of Historic Places. The project is pursing LEED Gold certification. Refer to project documents for bid alternates. Deadline for Contractor questions regarding this Seattle Public Library project shall be submitted by close of business on Tuesday October 17th, 2024 to the Architect via andreasb@shksarchitects.com so all questions and answers can be posted on OpenGov by The SR Buyer It is the intent of the Owner to award a contract to the low responsible bidder. The bidder must meet the following supplemental bidder responsibility criteria and provide associated documentation m order to be considered a responsible bidder. Bidder shall provide evidence of its project team's experience as follows: 1. Completion of a Similar Project, Bidder a. Criterion: The Bidder shall submit two projects from its work history of similar size and scope to this project. b. Documentation: The Bidder shall provide information for each example project. 2. Demonstration of Specialized Skills, Bidder a. Criterion: Bidder shall submit a list of two or more projects from its work history that demonstrate experience with the scope elements listed below. Required scope elements are: i. Completed for a public or governmental agency b. Documentation: Bidder shall provide information for each example project. 3. Completion of a Similar Project, Project Manager a. Criterion: Bidder shall submit two projects from the work history of the Project Manager similar in size and scope to this project. i. Documentation: The Bidder shall provide information about each example project. 4. Demonstration ofSpecialized Skills, Project Manager a. Criterion: Bidder shall submit a list of two or more projects from the Project Manager's work history that demonstrates experience with the scope elements listed below. Required scope elements are: i. Completed for a public or governmental agency, ii. Managed a project where selective building demolition occurred: iii. Managed a project of a minimum value of $3,000,000. b. Documentation: Bidder shall provide information for each example project. 5. Completion of a Similar Project, Project Superintendent a. Criterion: Bidder shall submit two projects from the work history of the Project Superintendent similar in size and scope to this project. b. Documentation: The Bidder shall provide information about the example project. 6. Demonstration of Specialized Skills, Project Superintendent a. Criterion: Bidder shall submit a list of two or more projects from the Project Superintendent's work history that demonstrates experience with the scope elemonts listed below. Required scope elements are: i. Supervised a project of wood window restoration at an existing building; ii. Supervised more than fifteen (15) subcontracts throughout the project span; iii. Maintained public access to an existing facility that remained open during construction; iv. Either directed demolition work with own crews or oversaw subcontractor's demo crews; v. Worked with an owner's designated envelope testing agency. b. Documentation: Bidder shall provide information for each example project. 7. Supplemental Information: a. The Bidder may provide supplemental information the Bidder believes demonstrates the experience necessary to satisfy the Owner's bidder responsibility criteria. The Owner may consider this supplemental information in evaluating the Bidder. 8. This Project is a Covered Project subject to the City of Seatties Community Workforce Agreement (CWA) and Priority Hire SMC 20.37. With the support of the mayor and City Council, the City of Seattle administers programs that support racial and economic equity through contracting. Priority Hire is one of these programs. Priority Hire provides people living in economically distressed communities, women, and people of color access to work on the city's construction projects. It gives contractors access to these skilled workers. For purposes ofthe Inclusion Plan, this is considered a facility type; of project with a Past Performance of 28% WMBE utilization rates based on completed projects. For questions on the Inclusion Plan please contact Miguel Beltran at Miguel. beltran@seattle.gov or 206-684- 4542. Back-up contact is Carmen Kucinski at Carmen. Kucinski@ seattle.gov or 206-684-0188

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5009 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA

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