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Published October 7, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Rock Island, Illinois. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

The City of Rock Island is requesting bids from contractors for a rehabilitation project at a house located at 2452 21st Avenue. This owner-occupied property will be undergoing rehabilitation using Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds to ameliorate deteriorating and deteriorated conditions. All work shall be subject to HUD 35.930 and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations. All questions shall be directed to the Construction Officer at 309-732-2906. The bidder shall submit a project plan using the design standards below that is in compliance with all applicable HUD, EPA, and State of Illinois regulations as well as all local building and zoning codes. The plan must include a clear project timeline and budget with line item costs. The contractor shall act as the general contractor for the project using subcontractors as required. Subcontractors that will be required should be clearly identified in the project plan. lectrical: Install 2 exterior GFCI in weather proof boxes and covers on the existing exterior locations. Remove medicine cabinet in the bathroom. Install new medicine cabinet in the wall. Use the power source to install a GFCI at the sink location and install a bar light in or over top the new medicine cabinet. Install a bath fan light combo in the bathroom and vent to the exterior gable wall. The flex 4" will need to be insulated. The fanlight will need to be switched. It can be switched with the same light over the medicine cabinet if that is the easiest. Install LED globes in the living room, both first floor bedrooms, enclosed front porch, and family room. These locations will require switches. It may be necessary in some locations to use wire molding to get power to light from the switches. Install Smoker/Co2 combinations throughout the house on all levels. Install motion LED flood lights on 3 exterior egress locations. Install 4 keyless lights in the basement on a 3 way at the top landing and at the lower level entry. Replace Two exterior receptacles with weather proof boxes, GFCI, and approved covers. General: Remove precast concrete steps and railings at the front entry. Dig and pour frost protected footings to code. Install a 3' x 4' landing connected to the house. Install front treated steps to code. Install missing facia and soffit around the exterior of the house. Re-nail existing facia securing it to the building with white trim nails. Install a new rain cap over the flu pipe on top of the roof. Use exterior sheet metal faster and a cap that will not deteriorate to adverse weather conditions. Masonry: The final phase of this project will require the concrete landing and 3 of the top concrete steps removed, saving the existing lower section of steps. The landing area is roughly is 6'x10' at the top of the steps. Pin the top pad to the existing pad and tie the top three new steps through and drill rebar into the existing steps. This area will need to be cleaned of derby, soil compacted and a rock based compacted before the pour. Looking to have at least 4500 lbs mix for the patch work. There is an old tree root ball needing removed. Both of the retaining walls will need excavated down to the footings relieving pressure from the dirt on the hill side. Remove the CMU walls on both sides. Examine the spread footing making sure its intact and will properly support the construction of a replacement CMU wall. If this is good then a new wall-built mimicking what was removed will be laid using 20215 IRC as a minimum guidance with reinforcement. Install drainage a drainage system from the backside of wall and rock the length and height will clean rock before backfilling with dirt. Grade off the hills and lay grass seed. There is ADS tile installed for the gutter system of the house. These will need to be flushed and varmint screens installed over the discharges. Building permit and electrical is required before work begins. Alternative specifications shall be considered only if they are clearly justified, cost effective, and meet all project objectives. The contractor shall have 30 days to complete the work from the date of contract signing. Change work orders over the course of the project are strongly discouraged. The primary contact person for this project is the City's Construction Officer. Jeff Laxton CED Department 1528 3rd Avenue Rock Island, IL 61201 309-732-2906 laxton.jeff@rigov.or


Residential Subdivision


Public - City


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September 13, 2024

October 14, 2024


2452 21st Ave, Rock Island, IL

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