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Published October 1, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a playground / park / athletic field in Geneva, Illinois. Completed plans call for the renovation of a playground / park / athletic field.

The construction includes the work and terms set forth in the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall fulfill all obligations in the Contract Documents, including but not limited to the following: (a) furnish all tools, equipment, supplies, superintendence, transportation, and other construction accessories, services, and facilities; (b) furnish all materials, supplies, and equipment specified and required to be incorporated in and from a permanent part of the completed work; (c) provide and perform all necessary labor; and (d) in a good substantial, and workmanlike manner and in accordance with the requirements, stipulations, provisions, and conditions of the Contract Specifications and Bid Documents, said documents forming the Contract Documents and being as fully a part of this Contract Agreement as if repeated verbatim herein, perform, execute, construct, and complete all work included in and covered by the Owner's official award of this Contract to the said Contractor, such award being based on the acceptance by the Owner of the Contractor's Bid, or part thereof, as follows Work generally includes plumbing, electrical and fixture installation of two (2) bathroom facilities. Contractors bidding on the project must have a minimum of 5 years of applicable experience. The successful contractor(s) must be able to provide required proof of insurance following the award of a contract. All contracts for work herein are subject to all Geneva Park District rules and regulations. To the extent the Prevailing Wage Act applies, the contractor is responsible for the payment of Kane Countys prevailing wage rate to all workers involved in this project. All bids will remain firm for 90 days after the bid opening. The Geneva Park District reserves the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities on a bid, and to accept the lowest responsible bid that serves the best interests of the Park District. No bids shall be withdrawn after the opening of the bids for a period of ninety (90) days after the bid date opening. The Geneva Park District encourages small and minority businesses and womens business firms to submit bids on the approved project and successful contract bidders to utilize small and minority businesses and women's businesses as sub-contractors for supplies, equipment, services, and construction. Should bidder find any discrepancies in or omissions from any of the documents, or be in doubt, as to their meanings, he or she shall advise the Assistant Superintendent of Parks and Properties, Ken Kerfoot at KKerfoot@genevaparks.com or 630-262-2210 who will provide necessary clarification. All proposals shall be submitted on the forms provided by the Geneva Park District. All prices quoted shall constitute the gross total cost to the Park District for all labor and other incidentals incurred prior to final acceptance of Island Park Bathroom Renovations. The Geneva Park District is exempt from all State Sales Tax and Federal Excise Tax.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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To Be Determined, Geneva, IL

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