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Published October 25, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Harbor Springs, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

**As of October 25, 2024 this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award has not yet been established. Scope: A. The contractor shall provide the necessary equipment, supplies, and materials to accomplish the installation of one complete septic system at 5563 Osborne Rd., Harbor Springs, Michigan. B. Observe all applicable prescribed safety regulations and practices. C. Contractor must adhere to all of the Indian Health Service (IHS) Supplemental Septic System Requirements included in this contract as "Addendum A". D. Install a septic system as designed on the Emmet county permit #E23-184 for 5563 Osborne Rd., Harbor Springs, Michigan (Addendum C). E. Contractor understands that this project is subject to Davis Bacon and Related Acts (40 USC 276a; 29 CFR Parts 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7), and Certified Payroll Records must be submitted to LTBB during the project period see Section 12 and Addendum B. F. Contractor shall comply with all: State and City Codes, City Permit and any corrections identified by the Authorities Having Jurisdiction or Indian Health Service inspectors. G. If applicable, contractor is responsible for pumping of existing septic tank to make new connections. The pumping of the existing tank must be performed by a licensed sewage disposal company and transported off site. H. Install observation pipes on 2 far end corners of drain field, from the bottom of the trench to finished grade. I. Install two-way cleanouts approximately 5 feet from the outside wall of building. J. Inlet pipe to the septic tank should be capped and marked 5' from building to allow for future hook up. K. Provide at least two manhole openings, no less than 24 inches square or 24 inches in diameter, with each single or multiple compartment tanks situated over the inlet pipe & baffle and outlet pipe & effluent filter. Covers shall be of the same material as the riser, with a warning label, printed with information regarding the hazards present when entering a septic tank, affixed or supplied by the manufacturer. Covers should be installed at finished grade. L. Contractors bid should be inclusive of any details necessary to properly install septic system at the above-mentioned address including connections to the existing drain line at the exterior of the building and these details shall adhere to any applicable codes. M. If applicable, the contractor is responsible for all electrical connections of the new septic system. This shall include any work necessary to provide a dedicated line from the electrical panel of the home to the septic system. N. Must have septic system inspected by Emmet County sanitarian and approved. O. Contractor shall be responsible to make turf, road, and sidewalk repairs in areas where contractor's equipment damages said areas P. All final grading, seeding, and mulching of any disturbed areas is the responsibility of the contractor. Final grade should be as good or better than before work was started. Q. Contractors will provide a minimum of 2 years of warranty on any and all services provided SOLID SEWER PIPE, CLEANOUT AND FITIINGS A. All gravity pipe, fittings, and caps shall be Schedule 40 PVC from the house to beyond tanks. SOR 35 PVC may be utilized to connect to drain field. B. Minimum slope between the house and the septic tank is 1/8-inch per foot or per County Permit, whichever is greater. C. There shall be no 90-degree bends in the pipe between the house and the Septic tank. D. Install two-way cleanouts approximately 5 feet from the outside wall of home per attached drawing. An interior cleanout is acceptable if septic tank is not greater than 10 feet from home and pipe contains no bends. SEPTIC TANKS A. Provide new septic tank per County sizing requirements. B. Place tank level per attached drawing. C. Septic tank shall have 2 manholes and 2 access risers per attached drawing. D. Septic tank manholes and risers situated over the outlet pipe & effluent filter shall be no less than 24 inches in diameter. E. Septic tank manholes and risers situated over the inlet pipe and baffle shall be no less than 16 inches in diameter. F. Extend both septic tank risers to either 1. Finished grade and mound around septic tank to prevent ponding around risers, or 2. Above grade, but by no more than 3"-6" (applicable to low lying areas). G. Septic tank risers shall be pre-manufactured with gasketed connections or other approved water-tight material. H. Septic tank riser covers shall be of the same material as the riser. Provide suitable stainless-steel locking screws or locking device per attached drawing. I. All tank joints and connections to tank shall be watertight. A flexible boot shall be provided for piping connections. Any questions regarding the bid process may be directed to Mandy Szocinski, at 231-242-1439. All bids will be reviewed in the Accounting Department, 7500 Odawa Circle, Harbor Springs, Michigan.


Water / Sewer


Public - Federal

Site Work

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5563 Osborne Rd, Harbor Springs, MI

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