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Site work for a mixed-use development in Anchorage, Alaska. Working plans call for site work for a residential development; and road / highway.

As of October 29, 2024 project was cancelled, project will rebid eith er in Spring or Fall. ARRC 1115 East Whitney - Electrical Removal & Relocation ARRC reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or any part thereof, negotiate changes in bids, accept any bids or any part thereof, waive minor informalities or defects in any bids, and not to award the proposed contract if it is in the best interest of the ARRC. ARRC is an equal opportunity corporation that encourages the participation of DBEs as prime contractors and subcontractors on its contracts funded in whole or in part by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) or the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The ARRC has a race neutral DBE Program and does not set DBE goals on individual solicitations. Nonetheless, the ARRC aspires to achieve an overall DBE participation of 4.0% in federal fiscal years 2022-2024 on contracts funded by agencies within the U.S. Department of Transportation. Please direct all responses and/or questions concerning this invitation to bid to C. Lee Thompson, Alaska Railroad Corporation, Supply Management, 327 W. Ship Creek Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501, cell 907.854.3141 or email address

Final Planning

Residential Subdivision


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work





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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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