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Site work and new construction of a warehouse / distribution facility in Williamsburg, Kentucky. Completed plans call for the construction of a warehouse / distribution facility; and for site work for a warehouse / distribution facility.

This project will serve as the new District 11 Highway Department Maintenance Facility replacing an existing salt structure located at another site in Whitley County. This project consists of a new 3,000-ton capacity salt storage building with a 10'-0" tall reinforced concrete walls bearing on an asphalt slab, with pockets of these walls extending into the subgrade to prevent sliding. Concrete buttresses will be placed along the straight run of wall to resist lateral forces imposed on the structure. On top of the concrete will be a pre-fabricated metal truss structure sheathed with a fabric cover, of which the design and installation is outside the scope of this project (NIC by Owner). The new salt structure is a component of another larger project that includes three structures at the upper site at this same location along with complete site civil and site utility work. These five components of this project are the following: C - Civil, SU - Site Utilities, ESS - Equipment Storage Shed, MF - Maintenance Facility, & SEO - Section Engineer Office. A second existing salt structure will be moved to the lower site next to the new salt structure from another site later by the user agency (NIC). The following items will be Owner provided Owner installed (Not-in-Contract): 1. ASPHALT PAD - Will be installed by Owner for the new Salt Structure at the Lower Site location (NIC) - Pad will be in place before start of project. 2. PMCS ROOF STRUCTURE - Owner will provide and install PMCS Roof Structure on top of New Salt Structure. Estimate: $170,000.00 Location : Whitley County Estimated Length of Project: 56 (Substantial Completion) + 14 (Final Completion) Bids will be received from Prime Contractors on a Lump Sum Bid Basis for the total project. All phases of work shall be bid to and through the Prime Contracting Firms. Bids shall be submitted in the manner herein described and on the official bid document form included with the conditions and specifications and shall be subject to all the conditions as set forth and described in the Bid Documents. No bidder may withdraw his bid for a period of thirty (30) days after the date set for the opening of bids. All bids shall be accompanied by a bid guarantee (in the form of a bid bond or certified check) of not less than five (5%) percent of the amount of the lump sum base bid. A 100% Performance Bond and a separate 100% Payment Bond shall be furnished by the successful bidder. All bonding and insurance requirements are contained in the Instructions to Bidders and/or General Conditions. Bonds should be executed by a surety company authorized to do business by the Kentucky Secretary of State and the Kentucky Department of Insurance within the Commonwealth of Kentucky. RIGHT TO REJECT: The Division of Engineering and Contract Administration, Commonwealth of Kentucky, reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive all informalities and/or technicalities where the best interest of the Commonwealth may be served. Question Deadline 09/11/2024 All questions regarding the meaning or interpretation of the bidding documents shall be directed in writing to the purchasing officer. Unless otherwise specified in the Solicitation, questions received less than ten (10) calendar days prior to the date for receipt of bids may not be answered.


Warehouse / Distribution


Public - State/Provincial

LEED Certification, New Construction, Site Work





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September 26, 2024

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To Be Determined, Williamsburg, KY

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