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Site work for a water / sewer project in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Calcasieu ParishPolice Jury's PurchasingAgent, on behalf of theCalcasieu Parish PoliceJury of Louisiana, doeshereby advertise for For the Gauthier RoadElevated Storage Tank;more particularly described as CALCASIEUPARISH *Prime bidders is definedas licensed Municipaland Public Works Contractors bidding this jobas such. All bids must be accompanied by bid security equal to five percent(5%) of the sum of thebase bid and all alternates, and must be inthe form of a certifiedcheck or cashier's checkdrawn on a bank insuredby the FDIC, or BidBond Form containedin bidding documents,which shall be writtenby a surety or insurancecompany currently onthe U.S. Department ofthe Treasury FinancialManagement Service listof the approved bonding companies which ispublished annually inthe Federal Register, orby a Louisiana domiciledinsurance company withat least an A- rating inthe latest printing of theA.M. Best's Key RatingGuide to write individualbonds up to ten percent(10%) of policyholders'surplus as shown in theA.M. Best's Key RatingGuide or by an insurancecompany in good standing licensed to write bidbonds which is eitherdomiciled in Louisiana orowned by Louisiana residents, all in accordancewith LSA--R.S. 38:2218.No Bid Bond indicatingan obligation of less thanfive percent (5%) by anymethod is acceptable.If bid is submitted electronically, an electronicbid bond as describedin LSA--R.S. 38:2212E.(1) per the standardsadopted by office ofthe governor, divisionof administration andthe office of informationtechnology as providedfor in LAC 4:XV.701 willbe required. The successful bidder shall be required tofurnish a Performanceand Payment Bond inan amount equal to onehundred percent (100%)of the Contract amount,which shall be writtenby a surety or insurancecompany currently onthe U.S. Department ofthe Treasury FinancialManagement Servicelist of approved bonding companies which ispublished annually inthe Federal Register, orby a Louisiana domiciledinsurance company withat least an A- rating inthe latest printing of theA.M. Best's Key RatingGuide to write individualbonds up to ten percent(10%) of policyholders'surplus as shown in theA.M. Best's Key RatingGuide or by an insurancecompany in good standing licensed to write bidbonds which is eitherdomiciled in Louisiana orowned by Louisiana residents, all in accordancewith LSA--R.S. 38:2219. Bids shall be accepted only from contractorswho are licensed underLSA--R.S. 37:2150-2163for the classification of"Municipal and PublicWorks Construction." Nobid may be withdrawn fora period of forty-five (45)days after receipt of bids,except under provisionsof LSA--R.S. 38:2214. The Owner reservesthe right to reject anyand all bids for just causeas permitted by LA R.S.38:2214B. The ability ofan entity to reject any bidis applicable only whenadministered in accordance with Public BidLaw. In accordance withLSA--R.S. 38:2212B. (1), the provisions ofthis Section, and thosestated in the biddingdocuments shall not bewaived by any entity. The Owner shall incur no obligation to theContractor/Bidder untilthe Contract betweenthe Owner and the Contractor/Bidder is fully executed. Minority owned firmsand small businesses are encouraged toparticipate. Any personwith disabilities requiringspecial accommodations should contact theCalcasieu Parish PoliceJury. Official action on thisBid will be taken withinforty-five (45) days by theCalcasieu Parish PoliceJury, except as may beextended by mutual written consent with the lowest responsible bidder. All bids must beplainly marked andshould contain the following on the outside ofthe envelope: BID FOR "Gauthier Road ElevatedStorage Tank; (Bid #24-603-0002)"

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - County

Site Work




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W Gauthier Rd, Lake Charles, LA

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