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Published November 11, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition and site work for a residential development in Elkhart, Indiana. Completed plans call for the demolition of a residential development; and for site work for a residential development.

Elkhart County Unsafe Building Law Notice of Public Bid to be Let to Demolish Unsafe Structure at 25134 Snyder Street, Elkhart, Indiana To: This notice by publication is specifically directed to the following persons who may be owners or claim a substantial property interest in the within described real estate and whose whereabouts are unknown: Cassidy C. Fritz and John Marshall Co-Personal Representatives of the Estate of Majorie F. Marshall; and Crail Holdings, LLC 1.Name of the persons to whom the Order to Comply was issued: Cassidy C. Fritz and John Marshall Co-Personal Representatives of the Estate of Majorie F. Marshall 2.Legal description and address of the unsafe premises that are the subject of the Order to Comply: Lot Number Seventy-three (73) as the said Lot is known and designated on the recorded Plat of Berry's Third Subdivision, in Osolo Township, said Plat being recorded on Plat Book 7, page 24, in the Office of the Recorder of Elkhart County, Indiana. Commonly known as 25134 Snyder Street, Elkhart, Indiana 3.A contract is to be let at public bid to a licensed contractor to accomplish the work required by the Order to Comply. 4.Description of work to be accomplished: demolish the unsafe building; remove all demolition remains, trash and debris on the unsafe premises; and return the site to natural grade. 5.Both the bid price of the licensed contractor who accomplishes the work and an amount representing a reasonable estimate of the cost incurred by the Elkhart County Building Department in processing the matter of the unsafe premises may, if not paid, be recorded as a lien against all persons having a fee interest, life estate interest, or equitable interest of a contract purchaser in the unsafe premises. 25134 Snyder St., Elkhart, IN 46514 - Remove fire damaged home, trash, and debris and return lot to natural grade. This property has gone through Unsafe Building process. There is an Order to Comply by the Hearing Officer and Building Commissioner that has not been satisfied. Septic tank sewage pumped and tank contents removed by a licensed sewage removal contractor. Contents must be dumped at an approved sewage waste facility. Septic tank sides, top and bottom must be crushed so that it cannot retain any liquids or remove all tank materials. Backfill tank area with clean fill material. Water well must be abandoned and plugged, by an Indiana licensed well driller, in accordance with Indiana Administrative Code, 312 IAC-13. Provide proof of well abandonment to Elkhart County Building Department and Elkhart County Health Department. Remove building(s) and structure(s), all building materials and debris from premises, except for clean fill for excavation. All debris must be hauled to a state approved landfill. The successful bidder will be permitted to use the Elkhart County Landfill for debris disposal at the discounted municipal disposal rate. No fires of any size are permitted. Remove foundation, and all concrete flatwork. Keep all roads, driveways and adjacent properties free from mud and debris. After demolition, the property shall be filled to grade with clean soil and compacted and site returned to a grade that can be mowed. After final grade is completed, apply grass seed or equivalent to disturbed soil. Stabilize site in compliance with Elkhart County Soil and Water Conservation District guidelines. Demolition shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, codes, and ordinances.


Residential Subdivision


Public - County

Demolition, Site Work

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25134 Snyder St, Elkhart, IN

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