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Published September 5, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Rochester, New Hampshire. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Rochester Housing Authority is now accepting bids for plowing and shoveling for the 2024-2025 winter season. There are four (5) developments: Marsh View Elderly Housing located at 194 Brock Street, Emerson Court Apartments located at 31 Emerson Avenue, Linscott Court Apartments located at 20 Columbus Avenue and Arthur H. Nickless Jr. Housing for the Elderly located at 19 Glenwood Avenue, 22/24 Academy St. all in Rochester NH. Interested parties can call Rochester Housing Authority at 603-332-4126 for more information. All proposals should be separated by property and pricing to be inclusive of all necessary snow removal activities for the season according to the specifications other than moving snow if necessary. Specifications: Marsh View: 12-unit elderly only complex. Snow plowing and shoveling of all parking lots, sidewalk areas and fire hydrants when there is 2" or more of snow and clear of ice at all times. Clean any snow drifts that are under the parking garage. Ensure all walkways and parking areas are free of ice by applying sand/salt mixture whenever needed. Emerson Court Apartments: Emerson Court is a 12-unit two-building family complex. Snow plowing of all parking lots, shoveling all walkways, mailbox area and clearing out fire hydrants when there is 2" or more of snow and ice at all times. Driveway from entrance at Emerson Avenue to the development and all parking areas must be cleared of snow and/or ice and a combination of sand/salt must be applied when needed to ensure safety. Shovel all walkways to front step (tenants are responsible for their front step for units 2-5 and 8-11), snow removal to front door at handicapped units 1, 6, 7 and 12 (these units must be clean at all times) and sand/salt mixture should be applied whenever necessary. Walkway from dumpster to cold Spring Circle must be shoveled and sand/salt mixture applied whenever necessary. Dumpster area must be free of snow inside and out, wooden doors must be able to open for trash pick- up. A path around both buildings connecting to the front walkways must be made. Linscott Court Apartments: 58 units of family units Snow plowing of all parking lots, shoveling all walkways and clearing out fire hydrants when there is 2" or more of snow and ice at all times. The driveway from the entrance to Columbus Avenue to and all parking areas must be cleared of snow and/or ice and a combination of sand/salt must be applied when needed to ensure safety. Shovel all walkways to front entrances, including back entrances along Columbus Avenue and sand/salt mixture should be applied whenever necessary. Dumpster area must be free of snow inside and out and wooden doors must be able to open for trash pick- up. Arthur H. Nickless, Jr. Housing for the Elderly: 24 units of elderly only complex. Snow plowing of all parking lots, shoveling all walkways and clearing out fire hydrants when there is 2" or more of snow and ice at all times. Driveway from entrance at Glenwood Avenue and all parking areas must be cleared of snow and/or ice and a combination of sand/salt must be applied when needed to ensure safety. Shovel all walkways to front entrances and walking areas, including a pathway around the building for access. Dumpster area must be free of snow inside and out and wooden doors must be able to open for trash pick- up. 22/24 Academy St 4-unit building for homeless families Snow plowing of driveway and parking lot, shoveling all walkways, sidewalks, and stairs (front and back). Ensure all parking areas and walkways are cleared of ice and snow, a combination of sand and salt will be used whenever needed. All properties use a Call-em-all system. This is a system that allows the contract to call the tenants prior to arrival to ensure residents have proper timing to have their vehicles moved or ready to be moved prior to your arrival.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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