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Published September 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in South Paris, Maine. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Request for Bids Snowplowing at Oxford County Courthouse Fall of 2024 - Spring of 2027 (Three Years) To Interested Parties, The County of Oxford is requesting bids for reliable snowplowing and sanding of access drives, driveways, and parking areas over the next three winters at the Oxford County courthouse complex located at 26 Western Avenue and adjacent property at 40 Western Avenue in South Paris. Scope of Work Selected bidder shall work in the capacity of independent contractor and be responsible for the provision of adequate equipment, labor, fuels, sand, and other materials such that the driveways and parking areas of the county courthouse complex are cleared of snow and ice, and then sanded as needed, all within a reasonable period of time and to the satisfaction of county officials. Selected bidder shall independently respond to weather conditions to fully accomplish this scope of work, and shall also respond in the same manner if requested by county officials. Selected bidder shall be mindful of the County's various operations and schedules which include both an 8 AM to 4 PM weekday "open" period for many public offices, and a 24/7 schedule maintained by law enforcement agencies, the county jail, and communications center. Selected bidder is expected to complete clearing of snow on all courthouse areas by 8:00am and shall continue during the day as necessary. With this stated, selected bidder shall tailor plowing and sanding operations to both adequately respond to weather conditions and do so with a minimum hindrance of county operations, balancing these considerations to the greatest practical extent. Selected bidder shall also have the capability of adequately pushing back or removing accumulated snow, such that vehicle flow and parking is maximized at all times. Selected bidder shall assume sole financial responsibility for damage incurred to vehicles, buildings and other fixtures and property in the execution of this scope of work. In all cases, selected bidder's work must be done to the satisfaction of county officials Instructions to Bidders Bidders are encouraged to thoroughly study and inspect all access drives, driveways and parking areas, and speak with County Officials as needed, so that there is a full understanding of the scope of work required prior to bid submission. Selected bidder, to include contractor's employees and agents, shall operate at all times in a lawful manner in every regard, and maintain insurance coverage in amounts and types and showing proof thereof, which are satisfactory to county officials. It is understood by all parties that the County of Oxford reserves the following: right to reject any and all bids right to take any action in response to bids received right to request additional information from any bidder right to meet with one or more bidders for any reason right to negotiate with any bidder, post-submission, for any reason right to terminate any agreements reached post-bid selection, at any time, if county officials are not satisfied with selected bidder's performance Bid Forms Are Located Online On behalf of county officials, we thank you for your interest in this Request for Bids. Please contact this office at 743-6359 if there are questions. Sincerely, Zane Loper County Administrator


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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October 31, 2024

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Multiple Locations, South Paris, ME

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