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Published September 9, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Kenosha, Wisconsin, will receive proposals for the removal and disposal of Asbestos Containing Material and Universal Waste, the razing of the structure(s), and the restoration of the lot(s) described below in accordance with this Request for Proposal with Instructions to Proposers and the enclosed Detailed Description of Work to be Performed, the Environmental Inspection Reports, the General Specifications and Conditions, and the Contract. STRUCTURE(S) TO BE RAZED AND LOT(S) TO BE RESTORED. Address: 4614 52nd Street (including: 5121 & 5127 47th Avenue) Tax Parcel No.: 08-222-35-153-002 (including 08-222-35-153-013 & 08-222-35- 153-015) Description: 1-story concrete block former hardware store with full basement containing approximately 2,850 square feet, and pole barn with approximately 3,660 square feet; constructed in 1951 FOR MORE INFORMATION. Contact Michael Callovi, Planning Technician, City Development, 625 52nd Street, Room 100, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140, (262) 653-4030, mcallovi@kenosha.org. ASBESTOS AND UNIVERSAL WASTE REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL. Environmental Inspection Reports indicating the description, location and quantity of Category I, Category II, Regulated Asbestos Containing Material (RACM), and Universal Waste to be removed and disposed of are attached. The Proposer shall be certified by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to perform asbestos removal and disposal or shall be required to subcontract with an entity certified by the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to perform asbestos removal and disposal. Proof of certification shall be provided to the City. The Proposer shall file all reports regarding asbestos removal and disposal required by Federal and State law, rules and regulations. All Category I, Category II, Regulated Asbestos Containing Material (RACM), and Universal Waste shall be removed prior to razing the structure(s). CONTRACT REQUIRED. The Proposer selected to perform the Work will be required to execute a Contract and related documents on City forms as a condition of performing the Work. All Work is to be performed in accordance with the Contract. A copy of the specimen Contract is enclosed. The following tasks which are hereafter referred to as the "Work" are to be performed in accordance with the Request for Proposal with Instructions to Proposers, the Environmental Inspection Reports, the General Specifications and Conditions, and the Contract. Remove and dispose of all Category I, Category II and RACM materials and Universal Wastes listed in the Pre-demolition Inspection Report dated August, 2024. ANY EXTERIOR WINDOWS OR DOORS THAT ARE REMOVED DURING THE ABATEMENT MUST BE BOARDED. Raze and remove all debris from structures and parcels, including any footings, basement walls, floors and fences Remove all pavement surrounding buildings Remove all landscaping material storage areas (jersey barriers) Remove and replace any sidewalks and curbing marked by City Remove concrete driveway approaches and replace approaches with concrete curb and gutter Remove and stump all trees, stumps, scrub trees and brush Remove and cap at curb the sanitary sewer and water laterals. PLEASE NOTE: The location of the sanitary sewer and water laterals is not always accurate. Bidders should be prepared to "camera" the sanitary sewer laterals to determine exact location Backfill, grade and seed site after razing in accordance with general specifications and Erosion Control Plan Obtain necessary Federal, State and local permits) LISTING OF SUBCONTRACTORS, MAJOR MATERIAL SUPPLIERS (OVER $5,000.00), AND DISPOSAL SITES. Proposals shall include on the attached City form a complete list of all subcontractors, including all subcontractors responsible for the removal and disposal of any Category I, Category II, Regulated Asbestos Containing Material (RACM), and Universal Waste, together with a complete list of all major material suppliers which are suppliers furnishing over $5,000.00 in materials. The class of Work to be performed by each subcontractor and major material supplier shall also be provided. The completed list shall also include the disposal sites to be used and where Federal or State law requires certain regulated materials to be disposed of in a Federal or State licensed or permitted disposal site, then such disposal sites shall be used and their License/Permit Number included. The list must be approved by the City and cannot be altered after submission without the written consent of the City. The City reserves the right to reject any Proposal which does not comply with this Paragraph or if in the City's determination any listed subcontractor or major material supplier is deemed not appropriately qualified. AWARD OF CONTRACT. The City will enter into a Contract with the Proposer deemed most qualified. In making this determination, the City will consider with respect to each Proposer: general qualifications, special expertise, time in which the Work can be performed, financial ability to perform the Work, environmental experience and responsibility (where applicable), work record and history, and experience in projects of a similar magnitude. The City reserves the right to reject unqualified or nonconforming Proposals, to reject all Proposals and request new Proposals, to accept a Proposal for an individual structure and lot, any combination of structures and lots, or all structures and lots, to accept Proposal(s) if advantageous to the City, or to select the most qualified Proposal. This project is not a public construction contract under Wisconsin law and the City is not required to award the Contract to the lowest responsible Proposer. The City reserves the right to reject any proposal which the City deems incomplete. Event Site Walkthrough note: The City will not accept a Proposal from any Proposer who has not signed in indicating that the Proposer has inspected the structure(s) and lot(s), or has not made other inspection arrangements with City staff



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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