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Published November 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Westminster, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The objective of this prequalification application is to qualify Contractors to submit Bids for Facade Remediation at Westminster High School. Work will occur during the Spring of 2025. Carroll County Public Schools will prequalify/approve those companies to bid that possess the relevant quantitative experience and qualifications, requisite skills, successful work history, safety record and policy, satisfactory references, and financial condition necessary to perform the required work. Contractors are invited to submit their prequalification application in accordance with the requirements set forth herein. Those Contractors that Carroll County Public Schools deem to be qualified based on their prequalification application will be approved to submit bids for the Facade Remediation at Westminster High School project. Bids received from Contractors that have not been qualified to submit will not be considered. Strong preference will be given to contractors capable of performing the majority of the work in-house with limited sub-contracting of work. It is imperative that the instructions in this prequalification application be followed. Incomplete submissions will not be considered. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The property is developed with a high school with brick and fluted CMU facade that was originally constructed circa 1969. The main section of the school is 3 stories in height with a partial ground floor at the rear of the building. Other areas of the school include the gym, auditorium, and one and two-level classroom areas. The top band of brick, above the uppermost windows, is experiencing severe mortar deterioration. Some of the top band was rebuilt in 2020. The primary purpose of this project will be to re-build other areas of the top band. The existing wall system of the top band of brick, above the upper windows, consists of 8-inch back-up block wall, a cavity with 1.5-inch rigid foam insulation, 3-inch block and face brick, tied to the 3-inch block with headers. Flashing also exists beginning at the 8 inch back up block and terminating in the brick. No weeps are present. Bid documents are NOT available at this time. An Invitation to Bid Notice will be issued at a later date to pre-qualified firms which will provide instructions to bidders on how to obtain bidding documents. All work is to be performed as shown on the plans and within the specification and any addenda issued during the bidding phase. This will be outlined in the Invitation to Bid Notice. PRE-QUALIFICATION Contractors shall submit qualification information in accordance with the requirements identified herein. Carroll County Public Schools may contact contractors during the evaluation process for clarification of any entries submitted by the contractor and may request additional information. Such additional information must be submitted to Carroll County Public Schools no later than two (2) days after the request. The decision to prequalify/approve Contractors shall be based primarily on the information submitted as part of the prequalification application. Carroll County Public Schools will be the sole judge of whether a contractor is deemed qualified for these projects. The prequalification shall not be construed nor constitute a determination that the Contractor has met the requirements of the contract bid documents. Furthermore, Carroll County Public Schools reserves the right to reevaluate or change prequalification requirements or decisions based on information received at any time up to the final construction bid award. Previous project experience with Carroll County Public Schools will be considered even if those projects are not submitted for evaluation. Prequalification does not prevent a determination by the Carroll County Public Schools' Supervisor of Purchasing and the Evaluation Committee, between the time of the bid opening and the making of an award that a prequalified person is not responsible or that a prequalified bidder be disqualified and suspended or removed from the list due to a change in circumstances which affects their ability to perform. "Responsible" means a person who has the capability in all respects to perform fully the contract requirements, and the experience, integrity, perseverance, reliability, capacity, facilities, equipment, and credit which will assure good faith performance. Causes for suspension or revocation shall include, but are not limited to, the following: a. Submission of falsified information b. Failure to submit additional requested financial information c. Failure to perform work in a manner acceptable to CCPS or failure to perform work in accordance with the awarded contract d. Failure to secure required bonding e. Failure to comply with applicable federal, state, and local laws, and regulations f. Defaulting on an CCPS contract or any contract with a public body, jurisdiction, or state g. Failure to possess the minimum qualifications h. Contractor's license becomes suspended or is revoked by a licensing agency. i. Debarment or suspension imposed by any local, state or federal government entity The suspension or revocation of prequalification status shall be immediate upon the date of the CCPS Purchasing Supervisor written decision to the contractor. The length of suspension or revocation and the conditions for reinstatement of prequalification will be stated in the written decision. Questions and inquiries shall be directed by email to Jenny Yingling, jlyingl@carrollk12.org and Mike Myers, Senior Buyer, michaelmyers@carrollk12.org no later than September 13, 2024 at 4:00 PM.




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Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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September 26, 2024

March 21, 2025


1225 Washington Rd, Westminster, MD

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