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Published September 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Young, Arizona. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

License Requirements "B" State of CA General Building Contractor license Q&A Deadline 10/03/2024 5:00 PM (PDT) Estimated Bid Value $0.00 to a maximum of $3,000,000.00 Start/Delivery Date JOC Contract (Refer to the NTC) Project Duration 12 months The Trustees of the California State University will receive digital proposals uploaded to the PlanetBids portal for furnishing all labor and materials for Job Order Contracts J48, J49, J50, and J51 for General Contracting. This Notice to Contractors is for the award of four Job Order Contracts (JOC), which is a competitively bid, firm fixed priced, indefinite quantity contract. The Contract scope of work includes a collection of detailed repair and construction tasks and specifications that have established unit prices. It is awarded to the "Contractor" for the accomplishment of repair, alteration, modernization, maintenance, rehabilitation, demolition and construction of infrastructure, buildings, structures, or other real property. The University issues to the Contractor discrete, fixed-price task or job orders, as needed, under the contract. Under the JOC concept, the Contractor furnishes all management, documentation, labor, materials, and equipment needed to perform the work. The JOC agreement awarded under this solicitation will have a minimum total contract value of $0.00 and a maximum total contract value of $3,000,000. The term of the contract will be twelve (12) months unless the maximum value of the contract is achieved prior to the completion of the contract term. In the event that the contractor submitting the lowest responsive and responsible bid refuses to enter into a contract with the CSU if tendered, or, in the event that the contractor materially breaches the JOC contract necessitating its termination, CSU reserves the right to award a second JOC under the same solicitation, provided such award is made within 120 days of the bid opening. Each bidder offering a proposal must comply with bidding provisions of Article 02.00 et seq. in the Contract General Conditions and should be familiar with all the provisions of the Contract General Conditions and Supplementary General Conditions. Prevailing Wage: This contract is for public works projects and is subject to prevailing wage rate laws (see Contract General Conditions, Article 04.02) The JOC agreement awarded under this solicitation will have a minimum total contract value of $0.00 and a maximum total contract value of $3,000,000. The term of the contract will be twelve (12) months unless the maximum value of the contract is achieved prior to the completion of the contract term. In addition to the Electronic Proposal submission, Original Copy of the Bid Bond must postmarked, or hand delivered and received to the address: Mail Address: California State University, Sacramento 6000 J Street MS 6008 Sacramento, CA 95879 Attention: Shon Tilby, Bid No. B240004 Hand Delivery Address:California State University, Sacramento 7301 Folsom Blvd, Modoc Hall Room #3005 Sacramento, CA 95819 Attention: Shon Tilby, Bid #B240004




Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Young, AZ

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Job Order Contract (JOC) General Contracting

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