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Published September 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Hagerstown, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

1.Summary Statement and Background a. The Western Maryland Hospital Center (WMHC or the "Agency") located in Hagerstown Maryland is an integral part of the health system of Maryland. The Center is one of two regional chronic/long-term care hospital centers administered by the Maryland Department of Health, State Hospital Administration. The Center serves residents of the State of Maryland who require in-hospital treatment programs for their illness(es) or condition. The Center provides continuous and intensive medical, nursing, and rehabilitative care to an average daily inpatient population of 55 medically complex patients whose severity of illness or injury requires a chronic level of care. Patients require frequent physician interventions, nursing assessments, and ongoing coordination of rehabilitation services to achieve their maximum level of independence and discharge to home or the least restrictive environment if home is not possible. b. The Center is issuing an Invitation for Bids IFB) to procure the service of a firm to supply and install interior Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant rooms, wayfinding, and patient identification signs throughout the hospital. Total number is 506. Questions & Answers Potential bidders/offerors can submit questions or comments to the procurement officer via eMMA (eMaryland Marketplace Advantage) up to Wednesday September 25, 2024, at 12:00pm ( noon ). Any questions submitted after this date cannot be guaranteed to be answered. The Procurement Officer will make every effort to respond to questions if possible. 2. Minimum Requirements a. The Bidder must provide proof with its Bid that it can supply and deliver the product within sixty days after the award of the contract and the issuance of a Purchase Order (PO). i. The Bidder shall have five (5) years of experience within the past seven (7) years from operating in the sales, supply and installation of ADA compliant door and room signs in a hospital setting. As proof of meeting this requirement, the Bidder shall provide with its bid two (2) references that are able to attest to the Bidder's ability to supply and install door and room signs meeting all ADA requirements in a healthcare setting. 3. The identity of the Procurement Officer Cynthia Shaffer Procurement Western Maryland Hospital Center 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue Hagerstown, Maryland 21742 Phone: 301-745-4373 Email: cynthia.shaffer@maryland.gov 4. The Contract Manager is the State representative for this Contract and is primarily responsible for Contract administration functions after Contract award. Keith Esham Chief Operating Officer Western Maryland Hospital Center 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue Hagerstown, Maryland 21742 Phone: 301-745-4948 Email: keith.esham@maryland.gov 5. Contract Requirements: Scope of work This project is for the supply and installation of (506) interior signs throughout the hospital. Specification for the door signs is shown below: Line # Item Description 1. 300 Interior Room Signs Size 7x7 inch, corners square Rooms signs w/braille and window w/ insert and installation. Machine engraved with raised letter and clear grade 2 braille rasters. 2 32 Restroom Signs Size 6 x 8 inch, corners square Machine engraved with raised letters and clear grade 2 braille rasters 3 61 Floor Fire Exit & Floor Signs Size 7x7 inch, corners square Machine engraved with raised letter and clear grade 2 braille rasters. 4 7 Interior Wayfinding Signs Size 30x30 inch, corners square 1/4 inch PVC signs, Vinyl Graphics Directional wayfinding signs 5 106 Patient Interior Room Signs Size 6x9 inch, corners square Machine engraved with raised letter and clear grade 2 braille rasters. a. Submissions for new signs to be installed must be approved by the COO before the signs can be accepted for installation. All signs in the facility must be manufactured and installed in compliance with all ADA and Life Safety codes and regulations. b. The work under this project will take place throughout the hospital. All supplies and materials must be supplied by the bidder. All equipment and structural building parts should be restored to their original condition upon completion of the project. c. All work should be scheduled during normal business hours, Monday through Friday. The hospital is staffed 24/7; therefore, other arrangements could be made if requested. The official start of this project will be determined by the COO. 6. Contract term a. The term for this Contract is one (1) year beginning on the day the Contract is signed. 7. Procurement method This Contract will be awarded in accordance with the small procurement method under COMAR 21.05.07 9. Award Determination a. The Contract, to result from the solicitation, will be awarded to the responsible Bidder submitting the Most Advantageous Offer (as referenced in COMAR 56) and requires consideration of both price and technical specification. 11. Payment a. Payments will be made 30 days from the submission of the invoice. The Contractor shall submit invoice for payment to the address below: Western Maryland Hospital Center Attn: Accounts Payable 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue Hagerstown Maryland 21742 Email Address: wmhc.accounting@maryland.gov b. When invoices can be submitted e.g: One (1) time upon completion of all deliverables as determined by the Procurement Officer. Invoices shall include: 1. The amount invoiced must be at the price(s) quoted by the Contractor on its bid page form and must be itemized. 2. Federal Tax ID number or Social Security Number 3. State PO or BPO number (will be provided by WMHC as part of the award statement) 4. Unique Invoice number 5. The month for which goods were supplied or services were rendered 12. Small Procurement Contract as Attachment A. The standard small procurement contract can be obtained from OPASS website.




Public - State/Provincial


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September 27, 2024

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1500 Pennsylvania Ave, Hagerstown, MD

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