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Published September 10, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Orlando, Florida. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Use this form when submitting your quote. Please be advised that time is of the essence for completion of this project. As a federal-government-related agency, this project may be subject to the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 to ensure employees are paid the prevailing wage while working on government-funded construction, alteration, or repair projects at the current minimum threshold of $2000. Appropriate forms are available to you, and employee interviews will be conducted by OHA in compliance with the Act. Project Number: 24-901 Project Name: Wastewater Lift Station Maintenance Project Location: Meadow Lake Apts, 3546 Meadow Lake Lane, Orlando, FL 32808 & Omega Apts, 2811 Gamma Drive, Orlando, FL 32810 Coordinator/Contact: Branden Smith Delaney Phone: 407-895-3300 ext 3100 Email: branden.delaney@orl-oha.org Scope of Work/Specification This maintenance agreement is to include all labor and materials to perform maintenance tasks at the Orlando Housing Authority's two (2) existing wastewater lift station systems located at: 1) Meadow Lake Apartments, 3546 Meadow Lake Lane, Orlando, FL; and 2) Omega Apartments, 2811 Gamma Drive, Orlando, FL. Please provide separate pricing for each location. The initial agreement will be for one year with the option of up to three additional one-year renewals. It is recommended that the bidder visit both job sites to inspect the systems unless they are already familiar with the sites. To schedule an on-site visit, please contact the Technical Director of Central Maintenance at 407.648.0002; paul.holmquist@orl-oha.org. It is each bidder's responsibility to thoroughly inspect the job site conditions prior to submitting a bid. The Orlando Housing Authority will not accept change order requests resulting from a bidder oversight of items prior to submitting their bid. Standards a. Lift stations shall be maintained in an efficient and operative condition. Work must meet the rules, standards, and regulations of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP); the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; the Florida Building Code; and/or any requirements established by the local Area Having Jurisdiction b. Work must also be performed in a manner to meet the rules, standards, and regulations of any wastewater agency to which our systems connect. This includes but not limited to the Orlando Utilities Commission. Execution of work A. General 1. Keep lift station areas clean and neat at each visit. 2. Remove all debris, old parts, and empty supply containers from job site at each visit. 3. The contractor/vendor shall be on call 24/7 and shall respond to emergency calls within 2 hours at no additional charge to the owner to correct emergency situations. a. If the emergency call-out is after hours and is unfounded, the Orlando Housing Authority agrees to pay a two hour call out fee with applicable overtime adjustment. b. The hourly rates will be based on the hourly rates quoted on the Price Sheet within the bid 4. The contractor shall notify the Technical Director of Central Maintenance of any required work that is outside of the scope of this agreement needed for the wastewater lift station system operation. The contractor/vendor shall provide a written quote for repairs based on quoted hourly rates. Written approval must be received from the Orlando Housing Authority prior to beginning any extra work. 5. Notify the Technical Director of Central Maintenance of any DEP permit violations within 24 hours of discovery. 6. The contractor/vendor shall be held responsible for any fines or fees levied by a regulatory agency due to their action or inaction in maintaining the wastewater system. 7. In the event of a major system abnormality this contractor shall notify the Technical Director of Central Maintenance and the FDEP within 24 hours of discovery. 8. The contractor/vendor shall notify the Technical Director of Central Maintenance when additional pump-out or cleaning is necessary for proper operation of the lift station and provide a written estimated cost based on the unit price listed in this bid. 9. The contractor/vendor shall work with the maintenance staff at each site to recognize basic system operation so they can notify the contractor in the event of an abnormal situation. B. Lift Station Maintenance 1. Lift stations shall be maintained at least 1 time per month. A log of visits and actions shall be maintained in the control panel. 2. Brush down sides of tanks monthly 3. Skim out floating and sunken debris from lift station and remove from site. 4. Keep lift stations, buffer chambers, and wet wells secure. Verify monthly: a. Verify covers are in place and secured b. Verify gates and fence are secured 5. Labor costs associated with pulling and replacing lift station pumps shall be included in the agreement. This shall include: a. Pulling of pump to clear debris b. Pulling of pump to replace components or check operation. c. Pulling of pump for total replacement. 6. The Orlando Housing Authority will pay for non-labor related parts and pumps needed for replacement due to failure. 7. For replacement of control panel components or lift station float switches, provide a written quote via email. Written email approval will be given prior to any repairs being made. 8. If needed, install and maintain a strainer basket at the lift station inlet to reduce the debris entering the lift station. Empty and remove debris monthly. 9. Clean the lift station twice per year; January and June. Manually pump out lift station to top of pumps. Remove the balance of the lift station waste, including debris, with pump truck. Wash down with hose and repeat until all debris is removed. Provide documentation of cleaning with that month's invoice. 10. Buffer chambers and wet wells shall be cleaned out annually in June of each year. Q/A Cutoff Date: 09/23/2024 Q/A Cutoff Time: 02:00 PM EDT


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Orlando, FL

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