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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in St Catharines, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The District School Board of Niagara (DSBN) hereby invites submissions from Architects to pre-qualify to provide Architectural Services, to solicit information from Architectural Consulting Firms with the intent of creating a prequalified list with four Categories of Projects for DSBN Buildings and property projects. This Prequalification list will remain in effect for a period of 3 years commencing December 1, 2024. Firms interested in submitting a response must be qualified to provide professional architectural services in accordance with the Ontario Association of Architects Regulations and Bylaws and having a thorough working knowledge of the Ontario Building Code and other applicable codes. Responses are requested only from firms that feel this type of professional service is within their capabilities to perform the work on time and is suitable to their type of practice. For the purpose of this Pre-qualification, Consultants are referred to as Proponents. Pre-qualification submissions are requested from interested Proponents. Proponents responding to this request for prequalification shall be able to demonstrate that they have completed projects of a similar nature, scale and complexity in the past 7 years. All information submitted may be verified. In the event that it is determined that any of the information submitted is inaccurate or misleading, the Proponent's submission may be disqualified. Incomplete information may limit the Proponent's ability to qualify. The contractual terms will be based on the Ontario Association of Architects Standard Form of Contract for Architect's Services Document 600, 2013 edition with amendments as detailed in Appendix C. The work to be completed under this RFSQ will be limited to the DSBN's jurisdiction and will include Architectural Services for minor renovations, school renewal, retrofits, additions, and new construction. VOR lists will be assigned for four categories of work: Category A - Up to $2 million Building renovations, school renewal and minor additions up to $2 million. Other minor scopes of work may be included in this category for code compliance reviews, feasibility studies, accessibility projects, project design including full construction project architectural services. Category B - $2 million to $7.5 million Example: Interior renovations, small additions, accessibility projects, larger scale school renewal projects Category C - $7.5 million to $15 million Example: Major interior renovations, additions Category D- over $15 million Example: New facilities Respondent(s) who have previously been qualified to provide the services as described herein, or who are currently performing work for the DSBN UmustU also respond to this request to be considered for future work assignment. The DSBN reserves the right to bypass these pre-qualified VOR lists and conduct an alternative acquisition strategy for future types of Architectural services that were not considered in this pre-qualification process. General Scope of Work for VOR Assignments The general scope of work resulting from this document involves the provision of Architectural Services for New Schools/Buildings, Major Additions, Additions & Renovations, and Renewal Projects. Architectural Services provided through the VOR assignments will vary and will be defined by the DSBN on a project-by-project basis. The number of firms assigned to the VOR list may vary by category based upon the anticipated volume of work required in the Category. The DSBN reserves the right to increase or decrease the number of VOR consultants for any Category without limitation. Applicants are advised that all drawings, electronic or otherwise are to be completed in the latest version of AutoCAD (unless otherwise specified). Reproducible hard and electronic copies (both AutoCAD and PDF) of all reports, drawings and specifications are to be submitted to the DSBN at the end of each project or upon request. Generally, the basic services will include but are not limited to: Liaison with the DSBN staff Liaison with representatives from all authorities having jurisdiction All services required for site investigations, preparation of designs, working drawings and specifications appropriate for tender and construction, site plan agreement and building permit applications and approval process Obtaining permits and approvals from other regulatory authorities as required General review during construction, contract administration functions including post occupancy to total completion Payment certifications as required by the Construction Act. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



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December 1, 2024


Multiple Locations, St Catharines, ON

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