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Published September 12, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Dover, New Hampshire. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Dover is requesting proposals for engineering services to evaluate replacement alternatives for the culvert conveying an unnamed brook under County Farm Road. The existing culvert is currently experiencing sinkholes near the southern guardrail due to loss of material through the granite headwall. The City stabilized the headwall in January 2024 with the installation of filter fabric at the bottom of the sinkhole; however, the sinkhole formed again in June 2024. The existing culvert was constructed at an unknown date, but is thought to consist of a 14' wide by 6' tall stone box culvert that was modified in 1991 to facilitate the installation of the 6" sewer force main over the culvert. Since the installation of the culvert, a concrete pipe appears to have been installed within the box culvert. A 12" AC watermain is also located over the culvert. The unnamed brook appears to originate from the neighborhood to the north and off of Sixth St, flows towards Erik Drive, and then is conveyed under County Farm Road to the Cochecho River. East of the subject culvert is a twin stone box culvert that conveys Reyners Brook under County Farm Road, and does not appear to transect with the unnamed brook. Any questions or inquiries must be submitted in writing, and, in order to be considered, must be received by the Purchasing Agent k.cragin@dover.nh.gov no later than seven (7) business days before the Request for Proposals due date and time. Any changes to the Request for Proposals will be provided to all Proposers of record. After making a final decision on the most qualified Firm with a recommendation and award of contract by the Dover City Council, the City expects to successfully negotiate and approve a contract with the selected Firm in the month of October 2024. The Technical Memorandum should be completed within 90 calendar days following the execution of the agreement The City of Dover reserves the right to waive any formality, informality, information and/or errors in the proposals submitted and the right to reject any or all proposals at its discretion and to accept the proposal which will be in the best interest of the City; or to purchase on the open market if it is considered in the best interest of the City to do so.


Bridges / Tunnels

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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April 9, 2025


County Farm Rd, Dover, NH

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