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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Silver Spring, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) is soliciting bids for preventative maintenance of emergency generators and related equipment at the MDOT SHA Fairland Maintenance Shop located at 12020 Plum Orchard Drive, Silver Spring, MD 20904 and various other locations including 4201 Howard Ave, Kensington, MD 20895. This open-ended, on-call Contract provides for comprehensive and reliable preventative maintenance service, load bank testing, system modification, non-emergency repair, and emergency repair service for the emergency generators and related equipment. This Contract is non-exclusive and does not include all work expected to be performed in the designated areas. Therefore, at times, other Contractors may be performing similar work that is not associated with this Contract. No pre-bid meeting will be held for this advertisement All questions must be submitted to the Procurement Officer's designee no later than September 23rd, 2024 at 1 P.M. local time. Requests for information or questions shall be submitted in writing. They must be emailed to; if attached to the email please provide in Microsoft Word or PDF format. Each request for information or questions shall include the Contract number and the name and address of the originator This specification describes the minimum requirements for providing comprehensive and reliable preventative maintenance service, load bank testing, and emergency repair service for the emergency generators and all associated equipment at the specified locations. This Contract will establish bid prices for labor, materials, scheduled service visits, system modification, non-emergency repair, and load bank testing, as detailed in the Schedule of Prices. Quantities listed are estimated and are only given for the purpose of bid evaluation. They do not indicate the actual amount which will be spent, since such expenditures will depend upon requirements which develop during the contract period. The Contractor shall provide two planned on-site service visits per generator, per year, for the duration of the Contract. These service visits are divided into two types of Generator Service Plans, which are detailed in Attachment III - Generator Service Plans. The Service Plans are listed as bid items on the Schedule of Prices for each type of plan, and the bid price listed by the Contractor shall be one uniform price per service based on the average cost of servicing the generators described in Attachment V - Generator Specifications. The Contractor shall provide one load bank test per generator per year for the duration of the Contract. A bid item has been established for the load bank tests in the Schedule of Prices and is priced on an average price per test per generator basis. Performance specifications for load bank testing may be found in Attachment IV - Load Bank Testing. The Contractor shall provide emergency repair services on an as-needed basis. DURATION OF THE CONTRACT The duration of the contract is thirty-six (36) months, or until all contract funds have been exhausted.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Silver Spring, MD

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