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Published September 17, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a road / highway in Mobile, Alabama. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway.

Traffic Control Striping, Markings and Legends Application Project Description: Application of Thermoplastic Striping, Markings and Legends on various City of Mobile Roadways Question Deadline 10/04/2024 at 12:00 PM CT No questions, whether orally or written, will be addressed if received . No questions, whether orally or written, will be addressed if received . Any request for such interpretation should be in writing, addressed to City of Mobile Traffic Engineering Department, Attention: Jennifer White, whitej@cityofmobile.org Each bid shall be accompanied by a check or bid bond for the sum of five percent (5%) of the amount bid (maximum amount of bond $50,000), made payable to the City, and certified by a reputable banking institution. These monies shall serve as assurance that within ten (10) days of notice of contract award contemplated in the Proposal, the successful bidder will enter into such contract and file a bond for the execution of same. The performance bond required will be for the amount bid, and labor and material bond shall be one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of contract, and shall be made by a Surety Company acceptable to the City of Mobile and upon the forms of bonds appended hereto. In default of the entering into of such contract and the execution of such bond, the certified check required to accompany such bid shall be forfeited to the City of Mobile, Alabama. These fees shall not be a penalty but damages for delays, or for the additional cost or expenses that the City may incur by reason of such default. In addition, the Contractor must furnish to the City at the time of the signing of the Contract a certificate of insurance coverage as provided in the specification which will include comprehensive insurance, Contractor's Automobile Liability Insurance, Owner's Protective Liability Insurance, or a Comprehensive General and Public Liability policy naming the City of Mobile, its agents and employees as additionally insured, and where applicable, subcontractor's Public Liability and Property Damage Insurance. The right is reserved to reject any and/or all bids and to waive informalities and to furnish any item of material or work to change the amount of said Contract. The successful bidder shall make every reasonable effort to have at least fifteen (15%) percent of the total value of the contract performed by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. A City of Mobile DBE Compliance Form must be submitted with the bid documents. Bidders must be licensed Contractors in the State of Alabama pursuant to Sections 34-8-1 through 34-8-27 of the Code of Alabama of 1975 as amended and shall indicate State License Number on outside of bid envelope. Any contractor that desires to bid as a prime contractor must possess a Highways & Streets Specialty Construction (HS-S): Striping; or Municipal and Utility Specialty (MU-S): Striping or other appropriate classification per Section 230-X-.27 of the State of Alabama Licensing Board for General Contractors Administrative Code. The City of Mobile reserves the right to reject any and all bids and waive informalities in the bidding. Bid date info : "Bid for completion of Application of Thermoplastic Striping, Markings and Legends on various City of Mobile Roadways, City of Mobile Project No. 2025-2060-01".

GC Bidding

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Site Work

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