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Saving Project...

Published November 14, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Carbonear, Newfoundland. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Closing Time: 2:00 PM (NT) Question Acceptance Deadline 2024/09/19 12:00:00 AM NDT The project involves the resurfacing/restoration of various sections of streets within the Town. More specifically, the work involves the following work areas. A distribution of unit price quantities is also included below: 1. White's Road: Resurface 3 short sections of existing asphalt with 40 mm surface asphalt for a total of 120 m. Approximate width is 5 m, class A gravel shouldering and driveway tie-ins. Section 1, beginning at intersection of Hospital Road for 90 m. Section 2, 35 m in front of Civic 45. Section 3, 30 m at the end of the Road. 2. Earl's Lane: Three sections to be completed. 1. Resurface 70 m section of existing asphalt with 40 mm surface asphalt manhole and water valve adjustment beginning at driveway to Civic 55. 2. Remove existing asphalt, 2 culvert installations, new class A, 40 mm base and 40 mm surface asphalt for 65 m. Manhole and water valve adjustment. Location sag curve near Gilmore Place. 3. Resurface 15 m section in from of Civic 58. I manhole and 1 water valve to adjust in this area. 3. Mutreyville Place: Resurface 100 m of existing asphalt, also includes the installation of 30 m of low back curb and gutter. 4. Lower Southside Road: resurface approximately 150 of existing road beginning where the 2022 town paving program ended. ie near Civic #2 to ending near cemetery. 5. Whitely Drive: Pave 75 m of existing gravel roadway with 50 mm surface asphalt, 100 mm Class A, shoulder and driveway gravel reinstatement to 4 driveways. 6. Chapel Street/Chapel Place: work involves the removal of 30 linear meters of existing asphalt in the intersection, regarding with new class A and 40 mm base and surface asphalt. Adjust manhole cover and water valve. Maintain existing surface drainage in this area. Continue to cold plane and resurface an additional 70 m of roadway along Chapel Street from the section being removed at the intersection referenced above. Note there is curb and gutter in this area that will be maintained. 7. Kimberly Place: Pave 75 m of existing gravel roadway with 50 mm surface asphalt including turning bulb at the end of the cull-d-sac, 100 mm class A and Class A shouldering. 8. Bunker Hill first un-named sideroad to right): Pave 50 m of existing gravel roadway with 50 mm surface asphalt, approximately 4 m wide, 100 mm class A. will need to profile paving to tie into an existing catch basin. 9. Wareham's Road: Pave 50 m of existing gravel roadway with 50 mm surface asphalt, Approximate width 5 m. Class A shouldering and driveway tie-ins. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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September 27, 2024

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Multiple Locations, Carbonear, NL

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