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Site work and paving for a civil project in Merrill, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; and water / sewer project.

As of November 6, 2024, project was awarded to Merrill Gravel & Construction Co., with the amount of $334,433.35. City of Merrill Street/Utility Construction Project The City of Merrill, Lincoln County, Wisconsin, will receive bids for a street and utility project. This project is the extension of Spruce Street between 10th Street and 14th Street. Est. Completion Date: Aug. 1, 2025 PVC Sewer Main This item shall consist of supplying and installing 8 inch PVC. This item shall be paid for by the lineal foot as measured by the engineer DI or PVC Watermain This item shall consist of supplying and installing Ductile Iron or PVC watermain. This item shall be paid for by the lineal foot as measured by the engineer. Crushed Aggregate Base Course This item shall consist of supplying, loading, hauling, placing, and shaping 8 inches of crushed aggregate 1 1/4 inch dense graded base course. Base Course is to be compacted to 95% Modified Proctor Test. No tests will be done if contractor shows sufficient compaction effort (Vibratory roller). This item shall be paid for by the ton as documented with scale slips. Common Excavation This item shall consist of excavating to the desired depth for base course. The finished grades will match existing grades. Common Excavation material is to be compacted to 95% Modified Proctor Test. No tests will be done if contractor shows sufficient compaction effort (Vibratory roller). This item shall be paid for by the cubic yard as estimated on the plans. Sand Fill This item shall consist of supplying, excavating, hauling and placing sand fill material as needed to the finished grades as shown on the plan set. Sand fill material shall conform to Wisconsin DOT 209.2.2 GRADE 2 and shall be compacted to 95% Modified Proctor Test. No tests will be done if contractor shows sufficient compaction effort (Vibratory roller). This item shall be paid for by the cubic yard as documented by load count. Storm Sewer This item shall consist of supplying and installing HDPE storm main, manholes, catch basins with 18" sumps. Topsoil, Seed and Mulch The contractor shall supply, haul and place 4" of topsoil on all disturbed areas. This item also consists of supplying and applying State Hwy mix #40 to all disturbed areas at a rate of 2 lbs. per 1000 sf and perennial rye applied at a rate of 1 lbs. per 1000 sf. All disturbed areas shall have green paper fiber mulch placed on them. This item shall be paid for by the square yard as measured by the engineer. Traffic Control This item shall consist of providing, placing, and maintaining all necessary road closures. This item shall include 1 sets of type III barricades with working lights and road closed ahead signs attached. Advanced warning road closed signs shall be included in this item. All necessary signage shall be included in the traffic control item. Signs shall be placed as directed by the engineer. Minor hazards within the project shall be the contractor's responsibility to mark. This item shall be paid for by lump sum. Saw cut Existing Pavement This item shall consist of cutting the existing pavement full depth and for cutting the sidewalk behind connecting curb 2 foot off back of curb. This item shall be paid for by the lineal foot as measured by the engineer. Riprap This item shall consist of medium Riprap sized in accordance with WisDOT standard 606.2.1 and placed according to plan. Type R Geotextile shall be in accordance with WisDOT standard 645.3.1.6 and placed beneath the Riprap. The costs of Geotextile are incidental to Riprap. This item will be measured and paid for by the cubic yard, in place. Storm Water Clearing & Grubbing This item shall include all removal and disposal of trees, stumps, wood, and debris required to construct the infiltration pond located in Outlot 3 and adjacent drainage swale and storm sewer beginning at STA 23+80 catch basins and continuing to STA 23+37 490' L as shown on the plans. This item shall be paid for as a lump sum. Silt Fence This item shall consist of supplying and installing silt fence as directed by the engineer. This item shall be paid for by the lineal foot as measured by the engineer. Inlet Protection This item shall consist of protecting the inlets on the project. This item shall be paid for each. Excavate Infiltration Pond and Swale The Infiltration Pond and Swale shall be excavated to 4 inches below finish grade. 4 inches of topsoil shall be placed on the excavation to complete the surface indicated on the plans. Utilities It is the contractor's responsibility to have all utilities located and work with the utilities throughout the project. City of Merrill staff will televise all sanitary and storm sewer. Contractor will not be responsible for televising. Question Deadline 09/23/2024 All questions about the meaning or intent of the Contract Documents are to be directed to Engineer.

Under Construction

Roads / Highways


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Paving, Site Work





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