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Published February 7, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Covington, Kentucky. Conceptual plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

As of February 7, 2025, per owner, no further details are available at this time. The Commonwealth of Kentucky, Finance & Administration Cabinet, Division of Engineering & Contract Administration (DECA) is seeking professional design services for the Kentucky Division of Waste Management Historic Landfill Closure Section for the engineered closure of the City of Covington Landfill at the Bill Cappel Sports Complex. The selected engineering firm will provide the services necessary to accomplish this including: o Design a cap incorporating low permeability clay and/or a flexible synthetic liner system sufficient to prevent water infiltration into the landfill and mitigate potential exposure of the public to waste, leachate, and methane. Existing cover soils may be stripped during cap construction and reused where practical as part of a protective vegetative layer. Existing clay may be removed as necessary and reused as part of a low permeability clay cap provided it meets permeability requirements. A borrow material source should be located at a reasonable distance to prevent excessive costs. If borrow material is not available, a synthetic cap option may be appropriate. o Note that the City of Covington can take AT MOST one baseball field at a time out of use for capping activities. A phased construction approach will be required for this project. o Closure plans for this site must incorporate replacement or mitigation of all current infrastructure, on the new landfill cap, in a way that minimizes risk to public health and safety. o Develop a design for the north parking lot area that addresses leachate and methane abatement as well as differential settlement and subsequent cracking of the asphalt. o Develop a design for the impound lot area that addresses soil contaminants, PAH's, methane gas abatement and subsequent capping. o Develop a closure plan that addresses ongoing leachate and methane generation at the landfill. o Leachate treatment shall consist of a leachate collection system that can be tied to the existing SD1 sanitary sewer system for transport to the nearest wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). o Methane abatement activities will need to prevent methane intrusion into surrounding private property while also discharging methane that creates a safe environment for public use of the site o Develop a plan to either bring the constructed wetland into compliance with typical KDWM practices at historic landfill sites or remove it entirely. o Conduct a mandatory on-site pre-bid meeting with potential contractors during the bidding phase of the project o Provide construction quality assurance services (CQA)/resident observer services during the construction phase


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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