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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in West Hollywood, California. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

The work to be done consists of furnishing all materials, equipment, tools, labor, and incidentals as required by the Plans, Specifications, and Contract Documents for the above state project. The general items of work include removal and replacement of broken and damaged P.C.C. sidewalks by roots, remove and replace 6'- 8" PCC curbs, gutters, residential driveway approaches, intersection 6' cross gutter, curb ramps on street corners to meet requirements of the ADA with truncated domes, install 4" curb drain outlets, curb marking, Install crushed miscellaneous base, install top soil, A.C Pavement repair, Install 40 PVC Pipe under sidewalk for irrigation, install curb address numbers, paint red curbs, remove and install domestic water meters/street light box and cover to grade, remove and install sidewalk around fire service water box and cover to grade, allowance for SWPPP, and other items not mentioned that are required by the plans and specifications. The bid must be accompanied by certified or cashier's check, or bidder's bond, made payable to the AGENCY for an amount no less than FIVE percent (5%) of the total bid price. Any proposal not accompanied by such a guarantee will not be considered. For additional information and assistance with Section 3 requirements contact our Section 3 Coordinator, Phillip Ticun (323) 848-6345. Section 3 Statement: This is a HUD Section 3 Contract and all bidder/proposers must demonstrate responsiveness to Section 3 requirements by declaring an intent to comply with Section 3 requirements. To demonstrate responsiveness, the bidder/proposer must submit a Declaration of Intent to Comply with Section 3 Requirements with their bid/proposal. Bidders/Proposers failing to commit to complying with the Section 3 requirements shall be grounds for finding the Bidder/Proposer non-responsive and shall not receive further consideration for a contract award. This Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funded project has a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) goal for minority participation in each trade of 28.3%, and a goal for female participation in each trade of 6.9%. Good faith efforts to meet these goals shall be documented and retained with records for this project. Achieving the DBE percentages established for this contract is encouraged and is neither a condition of award nor an issue of responsiveness. However, it is the policy of the City of West Hollywood to provide the maximum opportunity for DBE firms to compete on its federally assisted contracts Event note: A Pre-Bid Meeting will be held to discuss the IFB and Section 3 and Living Wage Requirements. LCA staff will respond to questions from potential Bidders. All potential Bidders are highly recommended to attend this meeting The meeting is scheduled as follows: A Section 3 pre-bid virtual meeting will be held Meeting ID: 242 058 021 972 Passcode: H6HS9M ) Or call 1-323-553-3576 Phone Conference ID: 623 296 645 United States, Los Angeles The City of West Hollywood reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or bids or to waive any irregularities or informalities in any bids or in the bidding should it deem this necessary for the public good, and also the bid of any Bidder who has been delinquent or unfaithful in any former contract with the City of West Hollywood and to take all bids under advisement for a period of ninety (90) days. No bidder may withdraw its bid for a period of ninety (90) days after the date from the opening thereof. The award of contract, if made, will be to the lowest responsible Bidder as determined solely by the City of West Hollywood. Questions must be posted to the Planet Bids website by 5:00p.m., OCTOBER 10, 2024. Questions will be answered on the Planet Bids website by 5:00p.m., OCTOBER 17, 2024.

Bid Results

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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