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Published September 14, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Kenosha, Wisconsin is seeking proposals for the provision of labor, equipment, tools, consumables, materials and other supplies for snow removal services at City-Owned parcels, in strict accordance with City of Kenosha specifications, terms, conditions and ordinances. Proposals and ancillary information must be submitted on required form(s) and returned in a sealed envelope marked with the project name. Responses received after the deadline will not be considered. Signatures and dates will be necessary wherever required. Any faxed proposals or other electronically-communicated submission will not be accepted or considered. 4.0 STANDARDS FOR ACCEPTANCE/REJECTION: The City of Kenosha reserves the right to award the Contract to the most qualified, responsive contractor, who will, in the City's determination, provide the highest level of professional service and responses to storm events. The City also reserves the right to reject any or all responses, or to accept any portion or portions of any response(s) or to award in whole or part, whichever is the most costadvantageous to the City of Kenosha. The City also reserves the right to reject unqualified proposers, to designate an alternate proposer to be awarded the contract should the selected proposer fail to promptly execute the Contract, or upon being awarded a Contract, fail to properly perform contractual services on a timely basis and/or in an inefficient manner. INQUIRIES regarding the required scope of work should be directed to Tayler Jones, Department of City Development at 262-653-4030. Anticipated Time Frame and Term: The Contract term shall commence on December 1, 2024 and include all time up to and including March 31, 2025. The scope or work called for in the Request for Proposal (RFP) typically begins December 1st of each year and continues through March 31st. Should the City require snow and ice removal work to commence prior to December 1st or later than March 31st, due to inclement conditions, compensation rates for the service prior will be charged on a pro-rata basis, calculated by dividing the monthly total proposed by four (4) to calculate the weekly rate. If mutually agreeable to both parties, this contract may be extended for an additional two years, awarded in one (1) year increments. 2.0 Standards for Service: Sidewalks must be cleared of snow full-width and length upon receiving two-inches (2") of snowfall. Furthermore, the full-width and full-length of sidewalks shall always be kept clear of ice (salt is the preferred method to keep sidewalks clear of ice). The sidewalks that are to be cleared are the public City sidewalks, adjacent handicapped ramps and the service walks leading to a private residence(s), when applicable. In addition, if there is a fire hydrant adjacent to the property a three (3) foot by three (3) foot clearance around the hydrant must be maintained.



Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Kenosha, WI

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