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Published October 3, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in Euclid, Ohio. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

Citywide Signage Program, Phase I Project in the City of Euclid, Ohio. All questions during bidding shall be e-mailed to planning@cityofeuclid.com. The e-mail should have the project title in the subject line The Board of Control meets in Council Chambers at the City of Euclid Municipal Building, 585 East 222nd Street, Euclid, Ohio. Each bidder is required to furnish with its proposal a Bid Guarantee and Contract Bond in accordance with Sections 153.54 and 153.571 of the Ohio Revised Code. A bond for the full amount of the bid or a certified check, cashier's check, or letter of credit in the amount of 10% of the bid. Bid security furnished in Bond form, shall be issued by a Surety Company or Corporation licensed in the State of Ohio to provide said surety. The sum equal to ten percent (10%) of amount bid, payable to the City of Euclid as a guarantee that if the bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into and its performance properly secured. The Bid Bond will be returned when the Contract has been executed by the Successful Bidder, or when any Bid is, or all Bids are rejected. The Scope of Work includes both fabrication and installation of various types, sizes, and locations of gateway and wayfinding signs (referred to as "Project" or "Project Scope" in remaining document). The graphic design elements are shown by the details in Attachment B: Citywide Signage Program Fabrication and Installation, Phase I. These requirements are intended to establish the basic dimensions and appearance of signs. Within these limitations, the successful bidder (referred to as "Bidder" in remaining document) is responsible for fabrication of Phase I, and to make whatever modifications and additions to the details as may be required. The Bidder will provide a submittal of the signage proposed to the City of Euclid for approval prior to fabrication and installation. The Bidder shall engineer and fabricate signs to meet, at a minimum, the criteria below: o Comply with all Federal, State, and Local Codes; o Signs shall be fabricated and installed to withstand Ohio environmental factors such as wind, heat, snow, ice, and precipitation for a minimum life of five (5) years; o All fonts specified must be purchased by the Bidder for use in this Project; All final output or implementation of typography and graphics are to be sharp (without serrated or irregular edges) and exactly true to the letter style and/or design form; o Signs shall be coated to protect against vandalism. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Bids and waive any non-conformities or irregularities contained therein. Each proposal must contain the full name of the party or parties submitting the proposal and all persons interested therein. Each bidder must submit evidence of its experiences on projects of similar size and complexity. Each proposal must contain labels that identify the bid form and the insurance bid bond information. All contractors and subcontractors involved with the project will to the extent practicable use Ohio products, materials, services, and labor in the implementation of their project. Additionally, contractor compliance with the equal employment opportunity requirements of Ohio Administrative Code Chapter 123, the Governor's Executive Order of 1972, and Governor's Executive Order 84-9, shall be required. Bidders must comply with the prevailing wage rates on Public Improvements in Cuyahoga County and the City of Euclid, Ohio, as determined by the Department of Commerce, Division of Labor and Worker Safety, Bureau of Wage and Hour. All questions during bidding shall be e-mailed to planning@cityofeuclid.com. The e-mail should have the project title in the subject line.




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