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Published November 6, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Monroe, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

The County of Monroe is accepting proposals from landscape contractors to complete projects at two (2) site locations as follows: Nike County Park- Remove the existing landscape at the entrance landscape islands and install new plantings, weed barrier, landscape block and small lava stone cover. At the playground area, replace the playground timbers. Youth Center-Remove the existing landscape, and install new plantings, weed barrier, landscape block and small lava stone cover. Questions concerning the proposal submittal, award and administration of the contract should be directed to: Joshua Thomas or Michael Bosanac 125 E. Second Street Monroe, MI 48161 Telephone 734-240-7268 or 734-240-7267 E-mail joshua thomas@monroemi.org or michael bosanac@monroemi.org Nike Park Landscape Project at Entrance: o At the park entrance, remove existing landscape timbers, weed barrier, mulch and existing plantings and dispose of. Remove and safeguard the park sign to be re-installed. o Protect the existing Red Maple tree on the west side ofthe entrance as it will not be removed. o Grade the area so that the new landscape area is slightly higher for positive drainage away from the new planting area. o As shown on the sketch, trench a 8 inch deep footing for a stone base to place landscape block. Place the stone, compact the stone level and install two (2) rows of a County selected concrete/cement solid retaining wall/landscape block. Block shall be 16"L x 6" W x 12" H and equal to the ManorStone specification attached. o The new landscape areas on each side shall be 20 feet long and 10 feet wide and shaped as an oval running parallel with the entry drive. o Install a high quality weed barrier over the area within the new landscape space. o The County will fund a $3,000 landscape planting allowance to be used to purchase new landscape plantings in consultation with the County. We estimate each landscape area will include approximately fifteen (15) plantings to install. Contractor shall propose plantings based on knowledge and experience and the best options for the site. Include in your proposal the labor cost to plant and install the new plantings. The landscape allowance will be for both areas of the front entrance. Do not include this allowance in your proposal cost. Install all new timber border in the same size as existing border. This includes any timber installed below grade to maintain a level finished border around the play area. o During installation, drill holes through the timber to install rebar to hold the timber in place. Install new rebar in the same spacing as the existing. The depth shall be sufficient to secure and hold the timber from movement. A minimum of 3 feet depth is required. Ensure rebar is flush or even with the top of the timber. At the comers, cut dados to lap the timbers and hold them secure. At the comers, rebar shall be installed within 8 inches ofthe end ofthe timber. Make sure the weed barrier is lapped under any rows ofthe timber or secured against the edge ofthe timber. o Rake back the wood fiber material o The planting includes digging hole, adding quality topsoil for the planting, planting, watering the plant and placing weed barrier o The County will fund a $200 per cubic yard allowance for a landscape stone to be delivered by the contractor and placed in the landscape area. Do not include this allowance in your proposal cost. o Re-install the Nike Park sign within the landscape area in a location directed by the County. o Clean site and apply grass seed around the areas that were reduced in size and around the new landscape areas. Nike ParkLandscape Project atPlay Area: o The work includes the entire perimeter edge ofthe play area. o Pull back or rake back the wood fiber material from the edge. Protect the weed barrier during this process. o Remove all ofthe existing timber border and properly dispose of. o Save any rebar to reuse for the new border Youth Center Building Landscape: o At the facility, remove all existing landscape plantings, weed barrier, plastic edging and mulch and dispose of. Note: Do not remove the row ofHydrangeas and landscape row immediately next to it. o In areas shown on the sketch, after removing the landscape and mulch, install top soil, grade slightly away from building and apply grass seed. o In the areas shown on the sketch, after removing the landscape and mulch, remove remaining top soil to a depth of 3-4" and install weed barrier and lava rock in a depth of 2-3" inches. o The County will fund a $200 per cubic yard allowance for a landscape stone to be delivered by the contractor and placed in the landscape area. Do not include this allowance in your proposal cost. o The County will fund a $2,000 landscape planting allowance to be used to purchase new landscape plantings in consultation with the County. We estimate the renovated landscape area will include approximately fifteen (15) plantings to install. Contractor shall propose plantings based on knowledge and experience and the best options for the site. Include in your proposal the labor cost to plant and install the new plantings. Do not include the planting material allowance in your proposal cost. o The planting includes digging hole, adding quality topsoil for the planting, planting, watering the plant, placing weed barrier and then lava rock ground cover. o Grade the area so that the new landscape area is slightly higher for positive drainage away from the building area. Locations: Nike Park, 488 Newport Road, Monroe, MI 48162. Monroe County Youth Center, 3600 South Custer Road (M-50), Monroe, MI 48162 Selection of the contractor will be made as soon as possible after the closing date of receipt of proposals. However, proposals submitted shall remain valid for thirty (30) days after due date. The County of Monroe reserves the right to accept or to reject any and all proposals, to waive any irregularities and to make an award that is determined by the County of Monroe to be in the best interest of the County.

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Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - County

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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