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Published October 2, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in Riverton, Utah. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Repair of chain link fence on the South East corner of Field 6 at the CR Hamilton Sport Park. 3700 W 13800 S, Riverton, UT 84065 1 - Replace 6 posts - 2 3/8 Dq 40, Black, Line Posts, Set posts 3' deep. - Saw cut or Core Drill the concrete mow strip, Place posts in the same location as the old posts. - Refinish concrete around new posts. - Replace 25' of damaged 12' tall Black, chain link wire, 6 Gauge finish 9 Gauge core, 1.75" Mesh, on last two sections of fence. - Reuse top rail, mid rail and bottom rail and all hardware. - Touch up paint on the end post where it has chipped and peeled off. Posts and mesh must match existing product. The right is reserved to cancel this Request for Quotation or to accept or reject any or all quotes, and to waive any informality or technicality in any quote, in the interest of Riverton City. Riverton City reserves the right to award multiple contracts to more than one vendor for the same or similar items. Riverton City reserves the right for an option to renew or extend any contract that may arise from this Request for Quotation, not to exceed four (4) renewals or extensions. Unless specifically provided for elsewhere in this quote, multiple or alternate quotes will not be accepted. The City Mayor and City Council reserves the right to purchase such brands as it desires, irrespective of price. The right is reserved, unless supplier countermands, to increase or decrease the quantity of any item(s) as the quoted price. Riverton City reserves the right to cancel any item(s) not delivered after the purchase order issued. Riverton City reserves the right to select some or all of the items from any vendor unless an "all or nothing" statement is included in the quote. Riverton City does not guarantee to make any purchase from this quote. Estimated quantities are for quoting purposes only and are not to be interpreted as a guarantee to purchase any amount. Questions of a technical nature regarding this project or the specifications should be directed to Lindsey Hennick at 801-208-3130. Bidders must meet all current licensing requirements of the City, County and State of Utah to do the type of work required under this bid including the proper license classifications with a sufficient monetary limit as established and issued by the division of occupational and professional licensing, state department of commerce. Licensing must be current and valid at the date of bid opening. Please provide license number with response Time is the essence of the Contract Documents. Contractor agrees that the City will suffer damage or financial loss if the project is not completed on the agreed completion time or within any time extensions that are allowed by written pre approval. The Contractor and the City agree that proof of the exact amount of any such damage or loss is difficult to determine. Accordingly, instead of requiring any such proof of damage or specific financial loss or late completion, the Contractor agrees to pay the following sums to the City as liquidated damages and not as a penalty. 1. Late Time Completion: Five hundred dollars and no cents ($500.00) for each day or part thereof that expires after the completion time until the work is accepted as substantially complete. 2. Late Punch List Time: Punch list items must be completed within 30 calendar days after the list is delivered. 50% of the amount specified for Late Time Completion for each day or part thereof if the work remains incomplete after the Punch List Time. The Punch List shall be considered delivered on the date it is transmitted by facsimile, hand delivery, or received by the Contractor by certified mail. 3. Interruption of Public Services: No interruption of public services shall be caused by the Contractor, its agents or employees, without the engineer's prior written approval. The City and Contractor agree that in the event the City suffers damages from such interruption, the amount of liquidated damages stipulated below shall not be deemed to be a limitation upon the Cities right to recover the full amount of such damages. One thousand dollars and no cents ($1,000.00) for each day or part thereof of any utility interruption caused by the Contractor without prior written authorization.


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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September 17, 2024

October 17, 2024


3700 W 13800 S, Riverton, UT

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