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Published November 27, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Passaic, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
Summary Purpose of Proposal: The intent of this Quote is to establish a contract to provide complete preventative maintenance, maintenance, repairs, replacements and new installations to the District's Chillers and Boilers at the Dayton Avenue complex. This agreement will include all related equipment and component services routine scheduled maintenance and on an "as needed" basis. This agreement will also be valid for other district equipment at other locations on a time and material basis as needed. Project Contact Menachem Bazian Director of Operations Email: Phone: (973) 470-0185 Procurement Contact Maritza Colon-Montanez Purchasing Manager Email: Phone: (973) 470-5598 Question Submission Deadline: September 20, 2024, 12:00pm Ethics in Purchasing Statement to Vendors School District Responsibility Recommendation of Purchases It is the desire of the Passaic Board of Education to have all Board employees and officials practice exemplary ethical behavior in the procurement of goods, materials, supplies, and services. School district officials and employees who recommend purchases shall not extend any favoritism to any vendor. Each recommended purchase should be based upon quality of the items, service, price, delivery, and other applicable factors in full compliance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-1 et.seq. Solicitation/Receipt of Gifts - Prohibited School district officials and employees are prohibited from soliciting and receiving funds, gifts, materials, goods, services, favors, and any other items of value from vendors doing business with the Passaic Board of Education or anyone proposing to do business with the Passaic School District. Vendor Responsibility Offer of Gifts, Gratuities -- Prohibited Any vendor doing business or proposing to do business with the Passaic Public School District, shall neither pay, offer to pay, either directly or indirectly, any fee, commission, or compensation, nor offer any gift, gratuity, or other thing of value of any kind to any official or employee of the Passaic Public School District or to any member of the official's or employee's immediate family. Vendor Influence -- Prohibited No vendor shall cause to influence or attempt to cause to influence, any official or employee of the Passaic Public School District, in any manner which might tend to impair the objectivity or independence of judgment of said official or employee. Vendor Certification Vendors or potential vendors will be asked to certify that no official or employee of the Passaic Board of Education or immediate family members are directly or indirectly interested in this request or have any interest in any portions of profits thereof. The vendor participating in this request must be an independent vendor and not an official or employee of the Passaic Board of Education. AFFIRMATIVE ACTION The winning contractor shall be required to comply with the requirements of N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27 et seq., Affirmative Action Against Discrimination. The Affirmative Action Questionnaire must be completed and submitted with the quotation proposal form. In lieu of the Questionnaire, the board will accept the Certificate of Employee Information Report as issued by the Department of Treasury. Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 17:27-3.6 (a) (1) after notification of award, but prior to signing a construction contract, the contractor shall submit to the Public Agency Compliance Officer and the Division of Contract Compliance an initial project workforce report (Form AA-201) provided to the public agency by the Division for distribution to and completion by the contractor, in accordance with N.J.A.C. 17:27-7. All bidders should familiarize themselves with N.J.S.A. 10:5-31 et seq. and N.J.A.C. 17:27 et seq. MANDATORY AFFIRMATIVE ACTION LANGUAGE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS-Exhibit B, if awarded a contract, your company/firm will be required to comply with the above requirements. All relevant questions should be addressed to: Department of Treasury Division of Purchase and Property Contract Compliance and Audit Unit EEO Monitoring Program--PO Box 206 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0206 (609) 292-5473 4.3. AMERICAN GOODS In accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-20, only manufactured products of the United States, wherever available, and where possible are to be used with this contract. 4.4. ANTI-BULLYING BILL OF RIGHTS--REPORTING OF HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION AND BULLYING-- CONTRACTED SERVICE The contracted service provider shall comply with all applicable provisions of the New Jersey Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act--N.J.S.A. 18A:37-13.1 et seq., all applicable code and regulations, and the Anti-Bullying Policy of the Board of Education. The district shall provide to the contracted service provider a copy of the board's Anti-Bullying Policy. In accordance with N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.7 (c), a contracted service provider, who has witnessed, or has reliable information that a student has been subject to harassment, intimidation, or bullying shall immediately report the incident to any school administrator or safe schools resource officer, or the School Business Administrator/Board Secretary. 4.5. ANTI-DISCRIMINATION PROVISIONS--N.J.S.A. 10:2-1 N.J.S.A. 10:2-1. Antidiscrimination provisions. Every contract for or on behalf of the State or any county or municipality or other political subdivision of the State, or any agency of or authority created by any of the foregoing, for the construction, alteration or repair of any public building or public work or for the acquisition of materials, equipment, supplies or services shall contain provisions by which the contractor agrees that: In the hiring of persons for the performance of work under this contract or any subcontract hereunder, or for the procurement, manufacture, assembling or furnishing of any such materials, equipment, supplies or services to be acquired under this contract, no contractor, nor any person acting on behalf of such contractor or subcontractor, shall, by reason of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, gender identity or expression, affectional or sexual orientation or sex, discriminate against any person who is qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates; No contractor, subcontractor, nor any person on his behalf shall, in any manner, discriminate against or intimidate any employee engaged in the performance of work under this contract or any subcontract hereunder, or engaged in the procurement, manufacture, assembling or furnishing of any such materials, equipment, supplies or services to be acquired under such contract, on account of race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, gender identity or expression, affectional or sexual orientation or sex; There may be deducted from the amount payable to the contractor by the contracting public agency, under this contract, a penalty of $50.00 for each person for each calendar day during which such person is discriminated against or intimidated in violation of the provisions of the contract; and This contract may be canceled or terminated by the contracting public agency, and all money due or to become due hereunder may be forfeited, for any violation of this section of the contract occurring after notice to the contractor from the contracting public agency of any prior violation of this section of the contract. No provision in this section shall be construed to prevent a board of education from designating that a contract, subcontract or other means of procurement of goods, services, equipment or construction shall be awarded to a small business enterprise, minority business enterprise or a women's business enterprise pursuant to P.L.1985, c.490 (C.18A:18A-51 et seq.). 4.6. AUTHORIZATION TO WORK (Notice to Proceed) - Purchase Order Required No work shall commence and no service shall be rendered unless the successful contractor receives an approved purchase order authorizing the contractor to begin the project or render the service. 4.7. AWARD OF CONTRACT The Board of Education intends to award the contract in full accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-37(a). 4.8. BRAND NAME OR EQUIVALENT Whenever the Board of Education requests a brand name for a particular item, it will consider a "brand name or equivalent". If the bidder desires to bid an equivalent item the bidder shall do the following: On the Quotation Proposal Form, write in ink next to the item requested, the vendor's substitute item, including brand name and model number. This is the only change to the Quotation Proposal Form the Board will accept. Provide a sample of the substitute item if requested. The sample item must be provided before or at the time of the quotation deadline. With the sample item shall be a paper, brochure or illustrative literature outlining brand/manufacturer name, model number, and full description of item. If a sample is not required the Board requests a brochure, pamphlet, or illustrative literature that outlines the specifications of the item including manufacturer's name, model number, etc., be included with the quotation. Failure to provide a sample item or literature when requested shall be cause for disqualification of that item from the quotation. It is the responsibility of the vendor to demonstrate equivalency of items offered. Please Note: Vendors are to only quote brand name or equivalent. The Board will not accept multiple quotations on individual items. For this quotation -- Quotation No. 15Q-25 the Board of Education requests printed materials when quoting a substitute item. 4.9. BUSINESS REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE (N.J.S.A. 52:32-44) Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:32-44, the board of education is prohibited from entering into a contract with an entity unless the bidder/proposer/contractor, and each subcontractor that is required by law to be named in a bid/proposal/contract has a valid Business Registration Certificate on file with the Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services within the Department of the Treasury. Request of the Board of Education All bidders or companies providing responses for requested proposals, are requested to submit with their response package a copy of their "New Jersey Business Registration Certificate" as issued by the Department of Treasury of the State of New Jersey. The Board reminds all respondents that failure to submit the New Jersey Business Registration Certificate prior to the award of contract will result in the rejection of the proposal. Subcontractors Prior to contract award or authorization, the contractor shall provide the Contracting Agency with its proof of business registration and that of any named subcontractor(s). Subcontractors named in a bid or other proposal shall provide proof of business registration to the bidder, who in turn, shall provide it to the Contracting Agency prior to the time a contract, purchase order, or other contracting document is awarded or authorized. During the course of contract performance: (1) The contractor shall not enter into a contract with a subcontractor unless the subcontractor first provides the contractor with a valid proof of business registration. (2) The contractor shall maintain and submit to the Contracting Agency a list of subcontractors and their addresses that may be updated from time to time. (3) The contractor and any subcontractor providing goods or performing services under the contract, and each of their affiliates, shall collect and remit to the Director of the Division of Taxation in the Department of the Treasury, the use tax due pursuant to the Sales and Use Tax Act, (N.J.S.A. 54:32B-1 et seq.) on all sales of tangible personal property delivered into the State. Any questions in this regard can be directed to the Division of Taxation at (609)292-6400. Form NJ-REG can be filed online at Before final payment is made under the contract, the contractor shall submit to the Contracting Agency a complete and accurate list of all subcontractors used and their addresses. N.J.S.A. 54:49-4.1: Violations of Registration Requirements; Penalties. A business organization that fails to provide a copy of a business registration as required pursuant to section 1 of P.L.2001, c.134 (C.52:32-44 et al.) or subsection e. or f. of section 92 of P.L.1977, c.110 (C.5:12-92), or that provides false information of business registration under the requirements of either of those sections, shall be liable for a penalty of $25 for each day of violation, not to exceed $50,000 for each business registration copy not properly provided under a contract with a contracting agency or under a casino service industry enterprise contract. CONTRACTOR/VENDOR REQUIREMENTS--OFFICE OF THE NEW JERSEY STATE COMPTROLLER Contractors/vendors doing business with the board of education are reminded of the following legal requirements pertaining to the Office of the New Jersey State Comptroller: Access to Relevant Documents and Information--N.J.S.A. 52:15C-14 (d) Private vendors or other persons contracting with or receiving funds from a unit in the Executive branch of State government, including an entity exercising executive branch authority, independent State authority, public institution of higher education, or unit of local government or board of education shall upon request by the State Comptroller provide the State Comptroller with prompt access to all relevant documents and information as a condition of the contract and receipt of public monies. The State Comptroller shall not disclose any document or information to which access is provided that is confidential or proprietary. If the State Comptroller finds that any person receiving funds from a unit in the Executive branch of State government, including an entity exercising executive branch authority, independent State authority, public institution of higher education, or unit of local government or board of education refuses to provide information upon the request of the State Comptroller, or otherwise impedes or fails to cooperate with any audit or performance review, the State Comptroller may recommend to the contracting unit that the person be subject to termination of their contract, or temporarily or permanently debarred from contracting with the contracting unit. Maintenance of Contract Records--N.J.A.C. 17:44-2.2 Relevant records of private vendors or other persons entering into contracts with covered entities are subject to audit or review by OSC pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:15C-14(d). The contractor/vendor to whom a contract has been awarded, shall maintain all documentation related to products, transactions or services under this contract for a period of five years from the date of final payment. Such records shall be made available to the New Jersey Office of the State Comptroller upon request. Board of Education Requirement In addition to, and independent of, the requirements of N.J.S.A. 52:15C-14 (d) and N.J.A.C. 17:44-2.2, the Contractor shall also maintain and make any or all books and records related to products transactions or services rendered under this contract, available to the Board of Education upon request. 4.11. CRIMINAL HISTORY BACKGROUND CHECKS--REQUIRED All providers for the services of this contract, shall provide to the school district prior to commencement of contract, evidence or proof that each employee assigned to provide services and that comes in regular contact with students, has had a criminal history background check, and furthermore, that said background check indicates that no criminal history record information exists on file for that worker. Failure to provide a proof of criminal history background check for any employee coming in regular contact with students, prior to commencement of contact, may be cause for breach of contract. If it is discovered during the course of the contract that an employee has a disqualifying criminal history or the employee has not had a criminal history background check, that employee is to be removed from the as a service provider immediately. 4.12. DEBARMENT, SUSPENSION, OR DISQUALIFICATION The Board of Education will not enter into a contract for work with any person, company or firm that is on the State Department of Labor and Workforce Development; Prevailing Wage Debarment List, or the State of New Jersey Consolidated Debarment Report. All bidders are required to submit a sworn statement indicating whether or not the bidder is, at the time of the bid, included on the State Department of Labor and Workforce Development; Prevailing Wage Debarment List or the State of New Jersey Consolidated Debarment Report, or the Federal Debarred Vendor List--Excluded Parties List System--System for Award 4.13. DELIVERY All bid prices are to include: Shipping and Handling costs Delivery costs FOB DESTINATION, FREIGHT PREPAID - The successful vendor, to whom the contract is awarded, retains title and control of goods and selects the carrier and is responsible for the risk of transportation; title passes to the Passaic Board of Education upon delivery and ownership by the Board; the successful vendor pays and bears the costs of all freight and delivery charges listed below. The Board of Education recognizes two types of delivery: INSIDE DELIVERY Items are to be delivered to a Board of Education location and taken off the truck by transportation carrier personnel and brought to a designated area inside the school or office building. SPOTTED DELIVERY Items are to be delivered to a Board of Education location and taken off the truck by transportation carrier personnel and brought to a designated area inside the school or office building. Transportation carrier personnel are responsible to then uncrate, set up, assemble items to determine good working order and remove all debris to the satisfaction of the Passaic Board of Education. Vendors are cautioned to provide adequate personnel to deliver goods as none will be provided by the Board of Education. If a specialized person is needed to set up, assemble or erect item, such assembly shall be completed within five (5) school days of the actual delivery date. Failure to assemble, set up, or erect items within the stated time may result in a $100.00 per day assessment against the vendor for each day items are not assembled, set up, or erected. The Passaic Board of Education will not be responsible for any extra delivery costs. Specific delivery instructions are provided in the General Specifications. Please Note: All packages, boxes, cartons, etc., when delivered, must be plainly marked on the outside as to contents, and the Board of Education's purchase order number must be clearly printed on the packages, boxes, cartons, etc. For this quotation--Quotation No.15Q-25, the Passaic Board of Education requires Inside Delivery. 4.14. DELIVERY GUARANTEE All vendors are to guarantee the delivery of the requested items within a certain number of business days form the receipt of the Board of Education purchase order. The number of days shall be written on the Quotation Proposal Form by the vendor. In certain cases, the delivery guarantee may be the determining factor whether a quotation is awarded to one vendor over another vendor. Failure to deliver items (assemble, install, erect, etc., if so required) within the time lines agreed upon shall be cause for a deduction penalty from the amount due to the vendor. Deduction Penalty * Delivery Dates Ten Percent (10%) Deduction Items Delivered 1-10 business days after deadline Twenty Percent (20%) Deduction Items Delivered 11-20 business days after deadline If items are not received within twenty (20) days after the deadline date, the Board of Education reserves the right to cancel the order. * The percentage deduction will be taken from the quotation price of the item. 4.15. DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED All participants in this quotation process must submit the following documents with the quotation package: Affirmative Action Evidence; Assurance of Compliance; Certification of Non-Involvement in Prohibited Activities in Russia or Belarus Chapter 271 Political Contribution Disclosure Form (Contracts that exceed $17,500.00); Contractor Vendor Questionnaire/Certification; Disclosure of Activities in Iran Form; Federal Addenda - Attachments A, B & C New Jersey Business Registration Certificate; Non-Collusion Affidavit Quotation Proposal Form; Statement of Ownership W-9 4.16. EQUAL PRICES Pursuant to N.J.S.A 18A:18A-37(d) when two or more contractors submit equal prices and the prices are the lowest responsible quotes, the Board may award the contract to the vendor whose response, in the discretion of the Board, is the most advantageous, price and other factors considered. 4.17. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION The bidder to whom the contract is awarded for any service work or construction work, and when required by the Board of Education, shall secure, pay the premiums for and keep in force until the contract expires, insurance of the types and amounts listed below: Commercial General Liability $2,000,000 General Aggregate $2,000,000 Products $1,000,000 Personal Injury $1,000,000 Each Occurrence Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage $100,000 Pollution Cleanup $50,000 Fire Damage $5,000 Medical Expense Insurance Limits Continued Excess Umbrella Liability $4,000,000 Sexual Harassment $1,000,000 Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit for Bodily Injury and Property Damage Insurance Certificate - When Required The contractor must present to the Board of Education an insurance certificate in the above types and amounts before any work or service begins. Automobile liability insurance shall be included to cover any vehicle used by the insured. The certificate holder shall be as follows: Passaic Board of Education c/o School Business Administrator/Board Secretary 663 Main Avenue Passaic, New Jersey 07055 Additional Insured Claim -- The contractor shall include the following clause on the insurance certificate. "Passaic Board of Education is named as an additional insured" OTHER INSURANCES WORKERS COMPENSATION Evidence of adequate Workers' Compensation Insurance as required by the laws of the State of New Jersey and the United States, must be available for perusal. The minimum limits are the following unless a greater amount is required by law: Bodily Injury by Accident $1,000,000. Each Accident Bodily Injury by Disease $1,000,000. Policy Limit Bodily Injury by Disease $1,000,000. Each Employee (B) Indemnification The contractor shall assume all risk of and responsibility for, and agrees to indemnify, defend, and save harmless the Board and its agents, employees and Board members, from and against any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, recoveries, judgments and costs and expenses (including, but not limited to, attorneys fees) in connection therewith on account of the loss of life or property or injury or damage to any person, body or property of any person or persons whatsoever, which shall arise from or result directly or indirectly from the work and/or materials supplied under this contract and the performance by contractor of services under the contract or by a party for whom the contractor is liable. This indemnification obligation is not limited by, but is in addition to, the insurance obligations contained in this agreement. The Contractor is to assume all liability of every sort incident to the work, including property damage caused by him or his men or by any subcontractor employed by him or any of the subcontractor's men. The Contractor shall assume liability incident to the work caused by the contractor, the contractor's employees and any subcontractors or subcontracted employees hired by the contractor. 4.18. IRAN DISCLOSURE OF INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES FORM N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-49.4 The Passaic Board of Education, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-49.4, shall implement and comply with Public Law 2012, c.25, Disclosure of Investment Activities in Iran--N.J.S.A. 52:32-55 et seq. Pursuant to N.J.S.A. 52:32-57, et seq. (P.L. 2012, c.25 and P.L. 2021, c.4) any person or entity that submits a bid or proposal or otherwise proposes to enter into or renew a contract must certify that neither the person nor entity, nor any of its parents, subsidiaries, or affiliates, is identified on the New Jersey Department of the Treasury's Chapter 25 List as a person or entity engaged in investment activities in Iran. The Chapter 25 list is found on the Division's website. Vendors/Bidders must review this list prior to completing the below certification. If the Director of the Division of Purchase and Property finds a person or entity to be in violation of the law, s/he shall take action as may be appropriate and provided by law, rule or contract, including but not limited to, imposing sanctions, seeking compliance, recovering damages, declaring the party in default and seeking debarment or suspension of the party. If the Board determines that a person or entity has submitted a false certification concerning its engagement in investment activities in Iran under section 4 of P.L.2012, c.25 (C.52:32-58), the board shall report to the New Jersey Attorney General the name of that person or entity, and the Attorney General shall determine whether to bring a civil action against the person to collect the penalty prescribed in paragraph (1) of subsection a. of section 5 of P.L.2012, c.25 (C.52:32-59). In addition, bidders must provide a detailed, accurate and precise description of the activities of the bidding person/entity, or one of its parents, subsidiaries or affiliates, engaging in the investment activities in Iran outlined above by completing the boxes on the lower portion of the enclosed form. The Board has provided within the specifications, a Disclosure of Investments Activities certification form for all persons or entities, that plan to submit a bid, respond to a proposal, or renew a contract with the board, to complete, sign and submit with the proposal. The Disclosure of Investment Activities in Iran Form is to be completed, certified and submitted prior to the award of contract. 4.19. NON COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT A notarized Non-Collusion Affidavit shall be submitted with the bid/proposal. The bidder/respondent has to certify that he has not directly or indirectly, entered into any agreement, participated in any collusion, discussed any or all parts of this proposal with any potential bidders, or otherwise taken any action in restraint of free, competitive bidding in connection with the above named bid, and that all statements contained in said Proposal and in this affidavit are true and correct, and made with full knowledge that the Board of Education relies upon the truth of the statements contained in said Proposal and in the statements contained in this affidavit in awarding the contract for the said bid. The respondent has to further warrant that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure such contract upon an agreement or understanding for a commission, percentage, brokerage or contingent fee, except bona fide employees of bona fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by the respondent. The Passaic Board of Education has provided a Non-Collusion Affidavit form here within the specifications package. All respondents are to complete, sign, have the signature notarized and submit the form with the proposal response. Failure to submit the Non-Collusion Affidavit with the proposal may be cause for the disqualification of the proposal. 4.20. PAYMENTS Every effort will be made to pay vendors and contractors within thirty (30) to sixty (60) days provided the Board of Education receives the appropriate documentation including but not limited to: Signed voucher by vendor; Packing Slips; and Invoices. Payment will be rendered upon completion of services or delivery of full order to the satisfaction of the Board of Education, unless otherwise agreed to by written contract or mandated by N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-40.1. The Board may, at its discretion may make partial payments. All payments are subject to approval by the Board of Education at a public meeting. Payment may be delayed from time to time depending on the Board of Education meeting schedule. Invoices The invoice clearly outlines the goods received or services rendered and the date(s) the services were rendered. The invoice must include the full name and address of the company. The invoice must include the board of education purchase order number. The invoice must have the company's invoice number that may be used as reference. The invoice must list the goods or services rendered. The invoice must be submitted to the Business Office. Invoices must be submitted within thirty (30) days of service. Unless otherwise provided for in the contract, the required payment date shall be 90 calendar days from the date specified in the contract or if no required payment is specified in the contract, then the required payment date shall be 90 calendar days from the receipt of goods or services, whichever is later. Interest shall not be paid unless goods and services are rendered. Interest shall be paid at the rate specified by the State Treasurer for State late payments to business concerns pursuant to section 4 of P.L. 1987, c. 184 (C. 52:32-35). 4.21. POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS DISCLOSURE - PAY TO PLAY Annual Disclosure A business entity as defined by law is advised of its responsibility to file an annual disclosure statement on political contributions with the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement Commission pursuant to N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.13 (P.L. 2005 Chapter 271 section 3) if the business entity receives contracts in excess of $50,000 from public entities in a calendar year. It is the business entity's responsibility to determine if filing is necessary. Additional information on this requirement is available from the New Jersey Election Law Enforcement commission at 1-888-313-3532 or at website. Chapter 271 Political Contribution Disclosure Form Business entities (contractors) receiving contracts from a public agency that are NOT awarded pursuant to a "fair and open" process (defined at N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.7) are subject to the provisions of P.L. 2005, c. 271, s.2 (N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.26). This law provides that 10 days prior to the award of such a contract, the contractor shall disclose contributions to: any State, county, or municipal committee of a political party any legislative leadership committee* any continuing political committee (a.k.a., political action committee) any candidate committee of a candidate for, or holder of, an elective office: of the public entity awarding the contract of that county in which that public entity is located of another public entity within that county or of a legislative district in which that public entity is located or, when the public entity is a county, of any legislative district which includes all or part of the county. The disclosure must list reportable contributions to any of the committees that exceed $200 per election cycle that were made during the 12 months prior to award of the contract. See N.J.S.A. 19:44A-8 and 19:44A-16 for more details on reportable contributions. The Passaic Board of Education has provided a Chapter 271 Political Contribution Disclosure Form within the specifications package for use by the business entity. The Board has also provided a list of agencies to assist the contractor. The enclosed list of agencies is provided to assist the contractor in identifying those public agencies whose elected official and/or candidate campaign committees are affected by the disclosure requirement. It is the contractor's responsibility to identify the specific committees to which contributions may have been made and need to be disclosed. The disclosed information may exceed the minimum requirement. The enclosed Chapter 271 Political Contribution Disclosure form, a content-consistent facsimile, or an electronic data file containing the required details (along with a signed cover sheet) may be used as the contractor's submission and is disclosable to the public under the Open Public Records Act. 4.22. POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS/AWARD OF CONTRACTS Pursuant to N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-6.3 (a) (1-4) please note the following: Award of Contract -- Reportable Contributions -- N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-6.3 (a) (1) "No board of education will vote upon or award any contract in the amount of $17,500 or greater to any business entity which has made a contribution reportable by the recipient under P.L.1973, c83 (codified at N.J.S.A. 19:44A-1 et seq.) to a member of the board of education during the preceding one year period. Contributions During Term of Contract - Prohibited -- N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-6.3 (a) (2-3) "Contributions reportable by the recipient under P.L. 1973, c83 (codified at N.J.S.A. 19:44A-1 et seq.) to any member of the school board from any business entity doing business with the school district are prohibited during the term of the contract." "When a business entity referred in 4.1(e) is a natural person, contribution by that person's spouse or child that resides therewith, shall be deemed to be a contribution by the business entity. When a business entity is other than a natural person, a contribution by any person or other business entity having an interest therein shall be deemed to be a contribution by the business entity." Chapter 271 Political Contribution Disclosure Form - Required -- N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-6.3 (a) (4) All business entities shall submit with their bid/proposal package a completed and signed Chapter 271 Political Contribution Disclosure Form. The Chapter 271 form will be reviewed by the Board to determine whether the business entity is in compliance with the aforementioned N.J.A.C. 6A:23A-6.3 (a) (2) Award of Contract. The Chapter 271 Political Contribution Disclosure form shall be submitted with the response to the bid/proposal. Failure to provide the completed and signed form shall be cause for disqualification of the bid/proposal. 4.23. PRE-EMPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTS--CONTRACTED SERVICE PROVIDERS When applicable, all contracted service providers, whose employees have regular contact with students, shall comply with the Pre-Employment Requirements in accordance with New Jersey P.L. 2018 c.5, N.J.S.A. 18A:6-7.6 et seq. Contracted service providers are to review the following New Jersey Department of Education--Pre-Employment Resource P.L. 2018 c.5 link below for guidance and compliance procedures. 4.24. PRICE GUARANTEE - 90 DAYS The winning vendor shall guarantee all prices for the period of ninety (90) days from the quotation due date. 4.25. PURCHASE AUTHORIZATION; PURCHASE ORDER REQUIRED No goods, materials, supplies, equipment, etc., may be sent or delivered to the Board of Education unless the vendor has in his possession a signed Board of Education purchase order with a purchase order number authorizing the purchase. 4.26. PRODUCT GUARANTEE: NO SUBSTITUTIONS The successful vendor shall guarantee that all goods and materials supplied shall be new, unused and meet the specifications as noted in this quotation. The Board of Education will not accept substituted items that deviate from the items listed on the purchase order. 4.27. QUOTATION DUE DATE/TIME All quotations for Quotation Number 15Q-25are to be received by the Passaic Board of Education no later than Wednesday, September 25, 2024 12:00 pm 4.28. QUOTATION PROPOSAL FORM All quotations are to be written in by typewriter or ink in a legible manner on the Quotation Proposal Form. Any quotation price showing any erasure alteration must be initialed by the contractor in ink. Failure to initial any erasure alteration will be cause to disqualify that particular quotation price. The quotation proposal form must be duly signed by the authorized representative of the company. If the quotation proposal form contains more than one sheet, the contractors are requested to affix the company name and address on each additional sheet. The Board requires all documents to be signed with original signatures. The Board will not accept facsimile or rubber stamped signatures. The Board of Education will not consider any quotation on which there is any alteration or departure from the quotation specifications. Contractors are not to make any changes on the Quotation Proposal Form. If contractors do make changes on the quotation proposal form it will be cause to disqualify that particular quotation. The Board will not accept more than one quotation per item. 4.29. RIGHT TO KNOW LAW All potentially hazardous materials or substances must be properly labeled in full accordance with the New Jersey Right to Know Law - N.J.S.A. 34:5A-1 et seq. All contractors or vendors who need additional information about the New Jersey Right to Know Law are to contact the: New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services Right to Know Program CN 368 Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0368 4.30. CERTIFICATION OF NON-INVOLVEMENT IN PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES IN RUSSIA OR BELARUS The Board of Education shall comply with N.J.S.A. 18A:18A-49.5 and N.J.S.A. 52:32-60.1 (c) which requires a person (or entity) to certify, before a contract is awarded, renewed, amended, or extended, by the Board that the person (or entity) is not identified on a list as a person engaging in prohibited activities in Russia or Belarus. The certification required shall be executed on behalf of the applicable person by an authorized officer or representative of the person. If a person is unable to make the certification required because the person or one of the person's parents, subsidiaries, or affiliates has engaged in prohibited activity in Russia or Belarus, the person shall provide to the Board of Education, prior to the deadline for delivery of such certification, a detailed and precise description of such activities, such description to be provided under penalty of perjury. The certifications provided under this section and disclosures provided under this section shall be disclosed to the public. The Board has provided within the specifications, a Certification of Non-Involvement in Prohibited Activities in Russia or Belarus Form for all persons or entities, that plan to submit a bid, respond to a proposal, or renew a contract with the board, to complete, sign and submit with the proposal. The Certification of Non-Involvement in Prohibited Activities in Russia or Belarus Form is to be completed, certified, and submitted prior to the award of the contract. 4.31. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP (N.J.S.A. 52:25-24.2) No business organization, regardless of form of ownership, shall be awarded any contract for the performance of any work or the furnishing of any goods and services, unless, prior to the receipt of the bid or accompanying the bid of said business organization, bidders shall submit a statement setting forth the names and addresses of all persons and entities that own ten percent or more of its stock or interest of any type at all levels of ownership. The included Statement of Ownership shall be completed and attached to the bid proposal. This requirement applies to all forms of business organizations, including, but not limited to, corporations and partnerships, publicly-owned corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability corporations, limited liability partnerships, sole proprietorship, and Subchapter S corporations. Failure to submit a disclosure document shall result in rejection of the bid as it cannot be remedied after bids have been opened. Not-for-profit entities should fill in their name, check the not-for-profit box, and certify the form. No other information is required. 4.32. TAXES As a New Jersey governmental entity, the Board of Education is exempt from the requirements under New Jersey state sales and use tax (N.J.S.A. 54:32B-1 et. seq.), and does not pay any sales or use taxes. Respondents should note that they are expected to comply with the provisions of said statute and the rules and regulations promulgated thereto to qualify them for examinations and reference to any and all labor, services, materials and supplies furnished to the Board of Education. Contractors may not use the Board's tax-exempt status to purchase supplies, materials, service or equipment. A contractor may qualify for a New Jersey Sales Tax Exemption on the purchase of materials, supplies and services when these purchases are used exclusively to fulfill the terms and conditions of the contract with the Board of Education. All contractors are referred to New Jersey Division of Taxation-Tax Bulletin S&U-3 for guidance. Again, contractors are not permitted to use the Board's tax identification number to purchase supplies, materials, services of equipment. 5. Technical Specifications/Scope of Service 5.1. Term of Contract The term of contract will be from September, 2024 through June 30, 2025 pending any extensions. 5.2. Qualifications of Respondents 1. The contractor shall be able to demonstrate their ability to service, repair and install the designated HVAC and Boiler equipment and related appurtenances of the type and to the degree as specified herewith in for all the district's Dayton Ave complex. The contractor shall be certified and/or approved by the manufacturer to work on all the district's specified equipment listed and all related items. The contractor will perform all services using factory-trained technicians who specialize in system maintenance and repair services for the listed equipment and all related items. The Director of Construction has the final determination as to the qualifications of both contractor and their staff. 2. All personnel used by the contractor for the performance of this work shall be properly factory certified, trained and qualified for work of this type and have the ability and experience required for the different types of equipment and related items in the district. The contractor shall provide evidence of qualifications for any personnel performing work under this contract upon request by the Division of Construction. The Director of Construction reserves the right to refuse to accept the services from any personnel deemed by the Director or an appointed agent to be unqualified. 3. The Contractor must demonstrate they have more than five years of knowledge and experience in the installation, repair, maintenance, and upgrade of services as specified herewith in. 4. The contractor shall represent the district and coordinate all warranty services with the proper entities as required. The contractor should be aware of all warranties in effect and do not work to void the warranty unless directed to proceed by the Director of Construction in writing. 5.3. Scope This agreement shall be for the HVAC and Boiler maintenance services, repairs, replacements and related work as a preventative maintenance and on an as needed basis for the district's Dayton Avenue complex. The contractor shall coordinate all work with the district Division of Construction. This work shall include, but not be limited to, all required regulatory testing, the performance of scheduled preventive and unscheduled maintenance, repair, rebuilds, refurbishments, upgrades and related items. Labor and materials for all equipment and controls shall be performed by the specified vendor per quote pricing on the proposal form. The Director of Construction will determine what listed category work will be invoiced under if an item is in question. This agreement will include work required based upon; the season, system inspections, adjustments, and specifications of the original manufacturer and all regulatory and code required items. The work shall include: Chiller maintenance: on (4) Daikin AWV Air Cooled Screw Chillers (1) Start- up (1) Operating Inspections (1) Coil Cleaning (1) Oil/Refrigerant Sample The following is a list of the minimum required work that shall be included in the Lump Sum price; any omission to the list required by the manufacturer or regulatory code requirements shall be considered as part of the basic Preventative Maintenance Program list: * indicates performed only if specific to the piece of equipment installed. Air Cooled Scroll Chiller: Manufacture/Model/Serial: Daikin AWV026A-436 tons Start-Up & Inspection: Check in with facility maintenance manager to discuss any operating issues or deviancies. Check unit for proper operation, interlocks, controls, and excessive noise or vibration. Tighten all starter, motor, and control connections. Visually inspect condition of starter contacts and overloads for wear, pitting, and any signs of overheating. Meg compressor motor and record readings. Check operation of crankcase heater. * Check evaporator shell heaters and controls for freeze protection. * Check condition, operation, and proper liquid/air levels in expansion tank. * Check condition of motor, fan wheel, *(bent blades, debris, proper rotation and airflow) Check and Lubricate motor and fan bearings, screws, and motor mounts. Visually inspect coils for damage, obstructions, and cleanliness. Check relief valve(s) for leakage. Check operation of refrigerant cycle, pump-down cycle, controls, refrigerant charge and oil level. * Test differential oil pressure switch for proper setting. * Check operation of compressor(s). Inspect water piping and valves for leakage; check condition of unit and pipe insulation. Visually inspect units, piping, and accessories for any signs of oil or refrigerant leakage. Check operation and safety controls. Review all microprocessor, thermostats, and/or diagnostic control codes. * Check flow switch devices and external pump interlocks for proper operations. Check condition of thermometers, and gauges, Compare with operating controls. Check sight glass(es) for flashing / moisture and/or oil presence. * Check evaporator and condenser flow rates, temperatures, pressures, voltages, amperages, and review all readings. Include chiller starts and run times. * Review services performed and report any uncorrected deficiencies to facility maintenance manager. Coils Services: Clean condenser coils one time per season (water access must be less than 100' from chillers) Boiler Service: on (8) Fulton Boilers: Start-up Operating inspection Boilers: Manufacturer/Model/Serial: Fulton EDR+2500 Condensing - 2420 MBH Annual maintenance and inspection must be performed prior to each heating season, and includes but is not limited to the following tasks, which must be done by a factory- trained technician: Inspect the fuel train, burner and control panel to be sure components are free of debris and are properly attached to the boiler. Replace the combustion air inlet filter with a new filter of the same Fulton part number (type, size and style). Inspect flexible premix couplings; replace immediately if damaged or worn. Examine the venting system (air intake and exhaust piping): Check all joints and pipe connections for tightness. Check piping for corrosion or deterioration. Check that the piping is clear of debris. Check that the condensate drain system is functioning. Clean the low water cut-out probe on the water outlet pipe. This can be accessed via the top removable panel. Remove and inspect burner. Clean as necessary. Test relief valve per manufacturer instructions by lifting the lever for 5 seconds and allowing the valve to snap shut. Perform combustion analysis and adjust if necessary. A low O2 level, resonance or harmonic and indicate a need for burner service. Replace the O2 sensor with a new sensor. 5.4. Emergency Service The contractor shall provide emergency service on a 7-day, 24-hour basis. The contractor shall provide personnel to respond to the nature of the emergency with the properly qualified staff. The Director of Construction or the authorized designated staff member shall determine what constitutes an emergency...emergency and extra services shall be billed on a time and material basis so listed on the proposal form. The district requires that service occurs immediately to prevent any interruption in academic teaching.
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Preventative Maintenance, Maintenance, Repair, Replacement for Four (4) Daikin AWV Chillers, Eight (8) EDR Fulton Boilers at the Dayton Avenue Complex; 63 Dayton Avenue
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