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Renovation of an educational facility in Muskegon Hts, Michigan. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Bids to include the following: o All of the specs are included in Appendix A. o Delivery and placement of units included in the base bid o Delivery timeline from order to delivery of units to our site upon awarding of bid. o Confirmation of all colors and materials will be determined upon awarding of this bid. Additional Information Non-Mandatory Walk-Throughs Walk-throughs can be scheduled with John Winskas via email are recommended. Desired Installation Time-Line The work shall be completed before November 30, 2024 at the latest but it is accouraged to be completed as soon as possible. The work will need to be coordinated with John Winksas, operations director. Proposal Requirements 1. Proposals shall be prepared in compliance with the provisions of this RFP. Failure to comply may result in the disqualification of the proposal. 2. Interested Bidders are strongly encouraged to submit an intent to respond to Mark Mesbergen via to ensure that the Bidder receives all addenda or communications regarding this RFP. 3. Late Proposals will not be accepted. 4. Each Bidder, before submitting a proposal, shall, if it is uncertain of the conditions, requirements, and/or obstacles that might impact the provision of the project, request further information. Failure to make such inquiry or receive an answer shall not relieve the selected Bidder from the obligation to comply, in every detail, with all provisions and requirements of the RFP nor shall it be a basis for any claim whatsoever for alteration in any term or payment required by the eventual contract between the selected Bidder and the District (the "Contract"). 5. If a Bidder discovers any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, omission or other error in the RFP, they shall immediately notify the District of such error in writing and request modification or clarification of the document. Modifications will be made by issuing a revision and will be given by written notice to all parties who have submitted an intent to respond. The Bidder is responsible for clarifying any ambiguity, conflict, discrepancy, omission or other error in the RFP prior to submitting the proposal or it shall be deemed waived. 6. All proposals and any accompanying documents become the property of the District and will not be returned. 7. The District reserves the right to waive irregularities in this RFP, the bid process, or the proposals. Any such waiver shall not modify any remaining RFP requirements or excuse a Bidder from full compliance with the RFP specifications and other Contract requirements if the Bidder is awarded the Contract. 8. Each Bidder who submits a bid, by submitting a bid, agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the District and its employees, board members, and consultants for any claim against the District involving the Bidder and arising out of the bid process. By submitting a bid, each Bidder agrees that it will make not claim against the District regarding this RFP or the bid process. 9. All Bidders, by submitting proposals, agree that they have read and are familiar with all the terms and conditions of the RFP and applicable federal and state laws, rules and regulations and will abide by the terms and conditions thereof. 10. Each Bidder complete Appendix A as the three forms are the proposal bidding documents. The documents include Affidavit of Bidder, Iran Economic Sanctions Act Certification, and the bid proposal sheet. APPENDIX A Proposal: Requirements for the buildings: Style: Garage Siding: Painted Sidewall height: 7' 4" Size: 14' x 40' Roof: 25-year shingles w/ Ice guard 16" OC Rafters built to engineer spec for a 70lb snow load Colors Siding color: Navy Blue Trim Color: Cape Cod Gray Roof Color: Charcoal Grey Roof ridge vent 32' 2-Half round top vents: White Doors 8' x 7' Metal (white) roll up door 36" Single Metal door with Frame (White) Floors Base 4" x 4" skid Floor joist 12" OC 3/4" Plywood flooring Pull up door positioned on end wall, 36" service door will be on right side next to roll up door. (Will confirm with vendor on placement when bid is awarded) Walls: 2" x 4" 24" OC 1/2" 4 ply plywood or OSB (Please specify which one in base bid) Painted siding (Navy Blue) Buyer Name Mark Mesbergen Buyer Email Buyer Phone 231-865-4005




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2741 Heights Ravenna Rd, Muskegon Hts, MI

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