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Published September 19, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Richmond, Virginia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Richmond (the "City") is requesting information and feedback from qualified suppliers on behalf of the Department of Public Utilities ("DPU"). DPU seeks advanced sewer inspection systems/solutions for existing sanitary and storm water sewer pipes, laterals, manholes, and other infrastructure-related appurtenances. Inspection, condition assessment, reporting, work prioritization, and scheduling are the primary functions DPU expects the systems/solutions to provide. This Request for Information (RFI) is an informal, information-gathering process only. No contract award or pre-qualifications will be made based on the responses to this RFI. Responding to this RFI is optional and will not affect participation in any subsequent solicitations released by the City in accordance with the City's purchasing policies and procedures. Question Submission Deadline: October 4, 2024, 11:00am CCTV Footage Inspection: i. Types of sewer infrastructure inspected, ii. how results are reviewed and documented, and iii. actions/decisions that can be made with inspection results. Cloud Data/Information Storage: i. How data can be stored in Cloud, ii. the process for upload and download of data, iii. the frequency of data access and sharing of inspection information, and iv. other related documents. Sewer System Modeling: i. Model of sewer system with inspection results and information from CCTV System Integrations: i. Other systems/software that can be integrated with sewer inspection software, such as Geographic Information Systems ("GIS"). Related Products, Services, and Solutions: i. Any other related products and services, not specifically listed above, that your company can provide Please Provide Information on One or More of the Following Items: Advanced Sewer Inspection CCTV Inspection Please provide information on the ability of your solution/system to inspect CCTV footage of sewer pipes, laterals, and manholes. Describe your ability to analyze for issues, anomalies, and other condition codes. Condition Assessment and Reporting Please provide information on the types of condition assessments that are developed after inspection of CCTV footage of sewer system assets. Indicate the pipeline assessment tool used (i.e., NAASCO). Cloud Storage of CCTV and Inspection Documents Please provide information on the upload, download, and storage of CCTV footage and other inspection documents to a Cloud storage platform. Indicate whether videos be viewed from the Cloud or if they must be downloaded for viewing. Geographic Information Systems Integrations Please describe how your solution/system can integrate or employ GIS. Sewer System Modeling Please describe how your solution can model sewer system from CCTV footage and inspection results. Indicate whether the model can be integrated with other platforms, such as GIS. Other :i. Please provide any emerging technologies/functionality regarding advanced sewer inspection products, services, and solutions Please submit responses via online v. Responses and information submitted to this RFI will be subject to disclosure in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. All responses and submitted information will become the property of the City and will not be returned. Response format to submitted in PowerPoint following this sequence; Executive Summary - This slide should provide a brief summary of the inquiry's contents, emphasizing any unique aspects or strengths of the product. Company History - Slide(s) should include a comprehensive narrative history of the firm. This tab should explain the size of the firm, including years in business, primary office location, primary contact, and legal structure. Experience - Slide(s) narrative statement to include, experience in providing the goods and services described herein for both private and public entities. Product - Slide(s) to describe the product. Responses - Slides(s) responding to the RFI Objectives 1.1 Please be advised that this is a request for information only. This RFI is issued solely for information and planning purposes - it neither constitutes a request for proposals nor is a promise to issue an RFP in the future. No warranties or representations of any kind are made by the City for any particular purpose. Respondents are cautioned that they are expected to coordinate with the City of Richmond and undertake their own due diligence. Additional documents may be made available for review. The City does not warrant these documents in any manner. Parties responding are advised that the City will not pay for any information or administrative costs incurred in response to this RFI; all costs associated with responding to this RFI will be solely at the interested party's expense. Submission of a response will in no way affect eligibility to respond to future solicitations for potential opportunities related to Advanced Sewer Inspection Solutions or other opportunities offered by the City. The City reserves the right to cancel this RFI at any time with or without notice to respondents and without liability. Ownership of all data, materials and documentation originated and prepared for the City pursuant to this RFI shall belong exclusively to the City and be subject to public inspection in accordance with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. Disposition of the proprietary materials after the RFIs are reviewed should be stated by the firm. Firms should indicate in their submission the portions of their response that are proprietary and indicate proprietary information in the Vendor Questionnaire. Please list the page number(s) and reason(s) in the submission. Proprietary Information. Pursuant to City Code 21-5(f) (Va. Code 2.2-4342(F)), trade secrets or proprietary information submitted by a Respondent in connection with this procurement transaction shall not be subject to the Virginia Freedom of Information Act, provided that the Respondent (i) invokes the protections of section 21-5 of the Code of the City of Richmond prior to or upon submission of the data or other materials, (ii) identifies the data or other materials to be protected, and (iii) states the reasons why protection is necessary. Classifying aspects of the submission that are not trade secrets or proprietary is cause for the City to reject the submission. Budgets and price quotations are considered public information in submissions to the City. Addendum and Amendments to the RFI. In the event any substantive issues require clarification or change during the process, an addendum to this RFI will be issued and posted on the City's webpage. No mailing of updates, question responses, addendums or amendments will be performed by the City for this RFI. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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