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Site work and outdoor lighting for a road / highway in Bethlehem, West Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for outdoor lighting for a road / highway.

Contract : 2021350001 State Project : U335 470/00 0.00 00 Federal Project STBG-0470(043)D County: Ohio Signing Renovate Interstate Signing From I-77/i-79 Split to I-64/i-77 Split. Kanawha Charleston Interstate Signing Renovation 03 DBE Goal: 7% of Contract Bid Amount. Bidder Must Provide Written Assurance of Meeting Goal on Form in Proposal. Proposals will be received from prequalified and West Virginia licensed contractors only except that on Federal-Aid Projects a contractors' license is not required at time of bid, but will be required before work can begin. Registration is required with the Department of Administration, Division of Purchasing, in accordance with Chapter 5A, Article 3, Section 12 of the West Virginia Code. All contractors submitting bids on project(s) must submit electronically with their bid a Proposal Guaranty Bond for $500.00 or 5% of the total bid, whichever is greater. The West Virginia Department of Transportation, Division of Highways reserves the right to defer, delay or postpone the date for receiving and publicly opening proposals for any project designated in this advertisement, without the necessity of renewing such advertisement. All bidders holding valid bidding proposals will be notified of such deferment, delay or postponement and the date that proposals will be received and publicly opened. WVDOT - 010 - I-470 Lighting Functional Requirements-The primary function of the CCTV system is to verify nonstandard conditions detected by the system, surveillance of major construction projects, events, or other reported information from an external source. Images from CCTV cameras will be displayed at operator workstations within the WVDOH Transportation Management Center (TMC) via the ATMS (Advanced Traffic Management System) platform, the CCTV output is required to be displayed on a limited number of peripheral systems as designated by the ITS Coordinator. The Contractor is responsible for integration of the CCTV communication to the WVDOH Transportation Management Center (TMC) working with the ATMS platform provider, or their designee. Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) camera installation Contractor requirements: 1. General electrical work as a prime or as a subcontractor five (5) years. 2. Communications, including radio, wire and wireless - one (1) year. All electrical work shall conform to current requirements of the National Electrical Code, latest edition, all local codes and Section 631 of the Standard Specifications. All details not specified or not shown on the Plans shall conform to the requirements of the latest issue of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, (referred to as the MUTCD). This Manual is published by the Federal Highway Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation and supplemented by the publication "Official Ruling on Request" and the West Virginia Division of Highways Traffic Engineering Division Directives. The video Camera Positioning System shall provide dual mode, day (color) and night (monochrome) video camera with optical zoom lens and a highspeed positioning system. The lens has a focal length of 3.4mm to 119mm (35:1) with auto/manual focus. A digital zoom range of up to 12X provides an effective zoom ratio of 350: 1. CCD image sensor and lens combination results in an effective horizontal angle of view of 55.8 wide angle to 1.7 max. telephoto. The camera shall provide Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) by use of dual shutter exposure technique. In addition, the camera shall be provided with electronic stabilization using the two-motion-frequency selectable stabilization method. The pan function shall provide 360 of continuous rotation, with a variable speed from 0.0003 per second to 100 per second. The tilt function shall provide 360 of continuous movement, (0 to 360) with a variable speed from 0.0003 per second to 100 per second. Up to 64 presets shall be available for storing and recalling zoom, pan and tilt positions. The CCTV positioner shall be capable 8 or 16-point compass annotation with primary direction spelled out and intermediate directions abbreviated with two letters and a tour sequence defined using up to 64 preset positions. Must include a compass calibration device, or be calibrated prior to testing. All camera and pan & tilt functions are operable via RS-422 serial communications. Communications protocol command set shall be public domain. MBE (2.4%), WBE (6.9%), DBE (7%)


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Outdoor Lighting, Site Work





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I-470, Bethlehem, WV

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