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Published October 17, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a stadium in Omaha, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the renovation of a stadium.

The Metropolitan Entertainment & Convention Authority ("MECA") is requesting proposals from qualified organizations interested in performing all services necessary to remove and install a complete and operational Arena Reduction Curtain System at CHI Health Center Omaha ("CHIHCO"). MECA is responsible for managing the operations of these Facilities. The CHIHCO Facilities contains more than 1,000,000 sq. ft. of space including a 194,000 sq. ft. exhibition hall, over 63,000 sq. ft. of meeting space, 42,000 sq. ft. of prefunction area and up to a 18,000-seat arena. 455 North 10th Street Omaha, NE 68102 Question Deadline 09/30/2024 at 1:00 PM CT - All inquiries regarding this RFP must be made in writing and addressed to kshiers@omahameca.com. Oral explanations or answers shall not be valid SCOPE OF PROJECT The successful Bidder is responsible for providing all materials, equipment and labor to remove existing curtain system to include (but not limited to) existing vinyl curtains, motors, lift cabling, truss, drive pipes, universal joints, control boxes, radio remote receivers. After removal the successful Bidder will be responsible for providing all materials, equipment, components and labor necessary to install a complete and operational Arena Reduction Curtain System. Bidders will view the areas during the mandatory pre-bid meeting. Option 1: Reuse existing materials from the original curtain system (i.e. truss, pipes, etc.). Bidders must list items they're suggesting to re-use in proposal. The work specified herein requires the Successful Bidder to provide all subsequent design engineering and all components necessary for complete and operational system. Any system changes or revisions necessary to make the system conform to the building, walls, steel, electrical services etc., shall be included at time of proposal. The Successful Bidder is responsible for making field measurements necessary to establish exact locations, relationships, and load capacities including structural, mechanical and electrical necessary for the installation of these systems. Attachment B includes pictures of existing equipment and items. Attachment C includes original construction drawings. The Arena Reduction Curtain System includes the following items: o A remotely operated upper-seating bowl reduction curtain system to partition and screen ambient light from behind the facility's upper seating area from view of patrons and performers in the seating bowl. o All motorized hoist equipment along with any additional electrical needs and control components to comprise a fully functional system. o All supplemental strut and hardware as required to mount the roller/hoist equipment. Upper-Bowl Arena Reduction Curtain System and Bud Zone Curtain System: Provide a custom turn-key rigging and drapery system. System shall consist of: o Multiple curtain panels suspended near the facility's super-structure and rigged to draw up tightly to same when not deployed. Curtains shall fall along the upper seating bowl area. Certain black out drapes on the east and west side of the arena will need to be customized to not block or hinder the use of the arena spotlights on each respective side. o Integrated motorized truss/hoisting system mounted at overhead structure to support the drapery. Truss shall contain all the mechanized components, and the necessary rigging required to gather drapery upward. o All supplemental structural components necessary to support the curtains and hoisting equipment. o Operating controls, motor control cabinets and electrical equipment as necessary to raise and lower the curtain panels. Primary operator controls shall be a wireless handheld pendant for use from the seating bowl or the arena floor. The entire system must operate from one controller/remote. Control cabinets and secondary controls shall be installed at the arena catwalk level. o Curtains shall be custom fabricated to provide the flexibility and durability necessary for the intended raise/lower cycling.


Arenas / Stadiums


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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455 N 10th St, Omaha, NE

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