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Published September 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for an elderly care / assisted living facility in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Conceptual plans call for site work for a elderly care / assisted living facility.

Project Location(s): 2.533 acre lot combined with a 0.94 acre adjacent lot (total 3.462 acres) at the northeast corner of Queen Street and Werling Drive located in Fort Wayne, Indiana Founded in 1857, Fort Wayne Community Schools is a public school district encompassing 150 square miles in and around Fort Wayne, Indiana. The district utilizes 61 educational and support buildings on 59 sites and has a student population of nearly 30,000. The District operates approximately 5,537,114 gross square feet and maintains approximately 900 acres of grounds. Question Deadline 10/10/2024 Any questions regarding the RFP should be e-mailed to Darren Hess at Darren.Hess@fwcs.k12.in.us. Please include "Early Childhood Learning Center" in the subject of the e-mail. PROJECT INFORMATION EARLY LEARNING CHILDCARE CENTER The Project PROGRAMMING AND SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS 1. Purposes: a. Keep parenting high school students in school and graduating with a plan for a meaningful future. Currently teen parents are simply disappearing from our schools and fading away to a future with little promise or hope. b. Provide much-needed, high-quality brain development for youth ages birth - 5. The life-altering impact that early learning can have upon the trajectory of a young life is well documented nationally and locally, as is the cost to our society when that opportunity is absent. c. Create an environment where early detection of cognitive and physical disabilities is offered, welcomed, and accepted. All families served by the program will meet Federal poverty guidelines and data indicates that parents navigating poverty often prioritize survival over screening and prevention. Services of the Early Learning Center will eliminate the need for families to make that choice. d. Increase the number of trained early learning workers to fill the critical gap in quality child care seats that is crushing economic development for our community. e. Lift up a blighted area by creating a neighborhood anchor that enhances stability and is beautiful. 2. Partners: a. FWCS and FWCS Foundation - project developer, facility maintenance, student parent recruitment, CTE program operator b. EACS - student parent recruitment c. Head Start and Early Head Start - core program provider for high-quality early learning d. ECHO by Lutheran Social Services - one -to-one case management/advocacy for student parents e. Early Childhood Alliance - training and placement support for future early learning professionals f. Healthier Moms and Babies - prenatal advising and supports for parents of infants 3. Program: a. Our proposed activities are simplistic in nature, but very high-impact. We propose the construction and operation of a fully-subsidized, Path to Quality Level Four, high-quality early childhood education center to educate and care for children of high school students from birth through age five. In addition to childcare, the center will offer educational and enrichment programming for student parents. The new center will also serve as a training opportunity to expand the number of early childhood educators entering the profession in the region. Finally, site selection for the project will be designed to ensure placement in an area of highest economic need and demographic complexity, which also coincides with the highest concentration of residence of student parents. 4. Population Served: a. The program will serve as many as 118 infants and children, approximately 118 high school students who are parents, and 60 additional high school students who are pursuing certification as early learning instructors - all participation numbers are annual estimates. The number of individuals who will benefit from the eventual increase in the labor pool of employees staffing safe, high quality early learning facilities would be difficult to estimate, but certainly substantial. 5. Program Details: a. Site Development to include: i. parking lot (approx. 125 spaces), short-term parking/drop-off lane ii. iii. site lighting hardscape and softscape playgrounds iv. fencing for secure playgrounds/outdoor classrooms v. storage and shade elements integrated into playgrounds/outdoor classrooms vi. turf, landscaping and hardscapes vii. site utilities (electric, gas, water, sanitary and storm sewer) and tie-ins viii. existing development has stormwater detention banked already through the overall development ix. topographic and boundary survey to occur during the month of October and will be available in November 2024 x. holding on ordering any soil boring/Geotech until we have A/E on board to target areas to investigate b. Building Construction (+/-28,000 square feet) to include: c. See Attachment G for site location and preliminary building program CONSTRUCTION TIMELINE: Construction is anticipated to begin after funding is secured.


Elderly Care / Assisted Living


Public - City

Site Work

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October 17, 2025


1519 Catalpa St, Fort Wayne, IN

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