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Published September 25, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a golf course in E Harwich, Massachusetts. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a golf course.

The Town of Brewster, through the Town Manager, is seeking the services of a qualified Owner's Project Manager ("OPM") within the meaning of M.G.L. Chapter 149 Section 44A 1/2 and all other applicable laws to oversee the following project at the municipally owned Captains Golf Course: Design, Renovation, and Construction of the Golf Course Maintenance Facility. The selected individual/firm (if a firm is selected, an individual within the firm must be named) will provide complete project management services to oversee the design, construction, and renovation of the existing buildings, and the development of design and construction documents for the new Maintenance Building. The selected OPM will work closely with the Director of Operations, Golf Course Superintendent, Golf Course Business Manager and other Town of Brewster staff, the project architect, contractors, consultants, and any clerks of the work who may be hired. The OPM will develop systems for monitoring project budgets, project schedules, and construction progress including daily progress, review of change order proposals, and review of requests for designer, contractor, and all other project requisitions. The OPM will monitor the quality of work. The OPM will maintain complete project files including, but not limited to, project correspondence, contracts, change orders, payment records, budget variance reports, daily reports, and files on particular issues as may arise. The OPM will be required to attend construction meetings and other meetings as may be required. The OPM will also assist the Town in complying with any requirements of Massachusetts General Laws, including payment requisitions and tracking and maintaining appropriate documents for financial audits that may be conducted. The OPM will provide written evaluation of the performance of the architects, contractors, subcontractors, and consultants for both projects. All questions regarding this RFQ should be addressed exclusively via email to: Donna Kalinick, Procurement Officer, dkalinick@brewster-ma.gov. The deadline for written questions is 4:00 PM on Monday, September 23, 2024. The Town reserves a period up to sixty (60) calendar days following the opening of the qualifications in which to evaluate and award the contract. The Town Manager is the awarding authority for the contract . Award, payment, and performance obligations shall depend on the availability and appropriation of funds. The Town reserves the right to reject any and all qualifications as determined to be in the best interests of the Town and to waive minor informalities.


Golf Course


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September 30, 2025


1000 Freemans Way, E Harwich, MA

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