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Published October 24, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a residential development in Boutte, Louisiana. Completed plans call for site work for a residential development.

The St. Charles Parish Housing Authority is requesting proposals (RFP# 001-2024) from qualified fencing contractors to provide all labor, equipment, materials and performance of operation in connection with replacement of portions of the exterior fencing, for the St. Charles Parish Housing Authority Boutte Estates location. Question Deadline 10/13/2024 at 3:00 PM CT All questions regarding this RFP Should be directed to the Executive Director, Jedidiah Jackson in the email above, or in the Housing Agency Marketplace online portal within the respective solicitation. Contractor agreesto furnish all labor, materials, tools, equipment, machinery, and supervision necessary to successfully replace portions of the exterior fencing at the SCPHA Boutte Development located at 200 Boutte Estates Drive, in Boutte, LA 70039. Offerors are encouraged to obtain a clear understanding of the Scope of Work prior to proposal submission. Clarification must be requested in writing and SCPHA will provide written responses to all queries received. Offerors may also submit written requests for walk-through site visits to the Boutte Development. Site Prep: 1. Removal of the damaged or fallen portions of existing exterior fencing. 2. Disposal of the damaged or falling portions of the exterior fencing, damaged or fallen posts and any vegetation (trees, vines, etc.) in the area where the new fence would be installed. 3. Preparation of new exterior fencing installation for fence posts or any structures needed to ensure the structural integrity of the new fencing. Exterior Fencing Installation: 1. All work to be done up to the building code and construction standards of St. Charles Parish, LA. 2. Panels shall match exactly (original manufacturer) or as closely as possible the existing fencing panels in style, color, material, dimensions, and spacing. New fence panels shall be provided and/or when an existing fence panel cannot be fully refurbished from original manufacturer's new parts stock or from salvaged existing fence panels. 3. Replacement of the existing fence posts shall include the saw cutting of the mow strip on both sides of the fence post footing (if a mow strip exists); the removal of the existing concrete fence post footing in its entirety if damaged; the installation of the new concrete fence post footing; the installation of the new fence post that matches the existing location, height, and fit; and the installation of concrete mow strip (if needed). 4. Replace all damaged, broken, and missing mounting brackets from the original manufacturer's new parts stock or other manufacturer's matching new parts stock. The Contractor is responsible to replace ALL damaged or unusable fence panel mounting brackets. The new fence panel mounting brackets shall match the existing in style, color, material, dimensions, and material thickness. 5. Remove, inspect, and re-attached each and every fence panel mounting bracket to ensure each fastener is secure and tight and mounted correctly. 6. Replace damaged, broken, and missing fasteners with the original manufacturer's new parts stock or other manufacturer's matching new parts stock. 7. Preserve the portions of the exterior fencing that are not damaged. 8. Where the original fastener cannot be installed due to an oversized or stripped hole: Replace original fasteners with one of larger diameter to re-use the existing mounting hole in the post, OR, Replace original fastener(s) by installing a stainless steel through bolt, washers, and nut. Length and diameter of the bolts are to be determined at installation. This method is to be used to attach the mounting brackets on both sides of the fence post or on only one side of post. Cleanup Provisions: 1. On a daily basis, Contractor shall keep premises free of accumulated debris and construction materials. At job completion, remove all surplus materials, debris, etc., and remit all usable surplus materials that the Contractor has been reimbursed for to SCPHA. 2. Contractor(s) shall be responsible for disposing of metal, excess cement, or vegetation left over from the fencing replacement. 3. There shall be no cleaning of tools, washing or dumping in the drains, on-site dumpsters, or on SCPHA grounds. 4. Any dumpster needed by Contractor must be placed in an agreed upon spot on the property and must be locked to prevent access by the general public. 5. All damages made by the Contractor(s) and/or its subcontractors shall be properly repaired by Contractor at no cost to SCPHA.


Residential Subdivision


Public - City

Site Work

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200 Boutte Estates Dr, Boutte, LA

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