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Published October 8, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in West Burlington, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The Project consists of the installation of a new computer room air conditioning (CRAC) unit within existing space that is currently two unused offices. In addition, the existing CRAC unit will be relocated to this same room after the new unit is operational. The existing and new CRAC units will alternate operation to provide 100% redundancy. The new CRAC remote condensing unit will be installed adjacent to the existing CRAC condensing unit condensing within the existing screened exterior space west of the building. The scope includes, but is not necessarily limited to, modifications to existing mechanical equipment, new mechanical equipment, associated electrical work, minor selective demolition of existing building components to facilitate the new work, adjustments to existing elevated floor system, adjustments to interior partition walls, hollow metal door/frame work, adjustments to existing suspended ceiling system, and painting. Technical questions regarding interpretations of the bidding documents shall be directed via email to Russell Brissey of Klingner & Associates, P.C. at 319.752.3603; rbrissey@klingner.com, not City Blue Technologies Work on the Project shall commence on November 12, 2024 and shall be substantially complete by June 30, 2025. Doc Note - City Blue Technologies, (Tel.: 309.277.3000) in digital download format or upon deposit of zero dollars ($0.00) for each printed set of documents, as allowed by law. City Blue Technologies requests Bidders order copies from their website prior to pickup It is desired to reduce the number of printed sets. The Architect/Engineer invites Bidders to review the project details and digital documents to confirm their interest prior to requesting printed sets. A full paper copy set of plans and specifications will be available starting at September 17, 2024, 3:00 p.m. for review by prospective bidders by appointment at the offices of Klingner & Associates, P.C. , 610 N. 4th St. Ste 100, Burlington, Iowa 52601, and at the Office of the Vice President of Administrative Services, Southeastern Community College, 1500 W Agency Rd, West Burlington, Iowa 52655. Technical questions regarding interpretations of the bidding documents shall be directed via email to Russell Brissey of Klingner & Associates, P.C. at 319.752.3603; rbrissey@klingner.com, not City Blue Technologies. Each bid shall be made on a form furnished by the Architect/Engineer and shall be sealed in an envelope. The bid bond/bid security shall be five percent (5%) and submitted in a separate envelope. The bidder's security shall be in the form of a cashier's check or a certified check drawn on an FDIC insured bank in Iowa or on an FDIC insured bank chartered under the laws of the United States; or a certified share draft drawn on a credit union in Iowa or chartered under the laws of the United States; or a Bid Bond on the form provided in the Contract Documents with corporate Surety satisfactory to the Board of Trustees of Southeastern Community College. The bid shall contain no condition except as provided in the specifications. Bid security shall be made payable to Southeastern Community College. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and Labor and Material Payment Bond both in an amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the total amount payable by the terms of the Contract and in accordance with other requirements outlined in the Bid Documents. These Bonds will be required of the Contractor, within ten (10) days of the issuance of the "Notice of Intent to Award" Should the successful bidder fail or neglect to furnish satisfactory performance/payment bonds, refuse to enter into a Contract on the basis of the bid, or fail to meet the requirements of this Notice and the specifications regulating the award, the bidder's security may be retained as liquidated damages. No bidder may withdraw its bid for a period thirty (30) calendar days after the date and hour set for opening of bids. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids, or any part thereof, and to waive informalities as allowed by law, and to enter into such contract or contracts as shall be deemed in the best interests of Southeastern Community College. Additionally, the Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids and to not proceed with the project.




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October 8, 2024

November 12, 2024


1500 W Agency Rd, West Burlington, IA

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