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Published October 31, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Stoughton, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 8,000-square-foot fire / police facility.

The Town of Stoughton, the Awarding Authority, invites sealed bids from pre-qualified General Bidders and Filed Sub-Bidders for construction activities related to the Stoughton Fire Headquarters and Public Health, located at the address listed above. Bidder selection procedures and contract awards will be in conformity with applicable statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. State mandated prevailing wage rates must be paid in accordance with M.G.L. Chapter 149, Sections 26 to 27D inclusive. Tutorials and Instructions are available online at website. For assistance, contact Projectdog, Inc. at (978) 499-9014. Project Description The project includes renovations to the existing historic two-story fire station to convert the building to administrative offices, with an enclosed garage for a historic ""museum display"" fire truck, as indicated in the content of the project drawings and specifications. The work includes selective demolition of the 1970's apparatus bays and demolition of site structures, and full interior renovation of the original 1920's building, with the addition of an internal elevator and complete new electrical, plumbing, mechanical, and fire protection systems. The building exterior will include a new roof, and repointing and repair of the brick exterior. 1. The building gross area is approximately 8000 square feet. 2. The estimated project construction cost is approximately $7,045,000. 3. The workforce goals are 15.3% minority and 6.9% women and MBE 5.4% and WBE 8.2% Document Availability Filed Sub-Bid Contractors: Bid Forms and Contract Documents shall be available online at website beginning on September 27, 2024. Log in and enter the Project Code 862968 in the search box and select "Acquire Documents" to access the documents for free download of the bid set. Filed Sub-Bids will be publicly available immediately following the due date and time, at the electronic bidding website, reviewed for conformance with bid requirements, and recorded by the Awarding Authority. Official Filed Sub Bid results will be distributed to all General Bidders by addendum. No Filed Sub-Bid may be withdrawn prior to the expiration of the statutory period after the opening of Filed Sub-Bids for the making of awards and completion of the process of entering into contracts. No bid may be withdrawn prior to the expiration of the statutory period after the opening of General Bids for the making of awards and completion of the process of entering into contracts. MISCELLANEOUS The Awarding Authority reserves the right to waive any minor deviation from a statutory requirement and to reject any or all General Bids not deemed to be in the best interest of the Owner. The Awarding Authority shall reject every sub-bid which is not accompanied by a bid deposit as prescribed in Section 44A of Chapter 149 of the General Laws. The Awarding Authority reserves the right to waive any minor deviation from a statutory requirement and to reject any or all Filed Sub-Bids if it determines that such Filed Sub-Bid does not represent the Filed Sub-Bid of a person competent to perform the work as specified; or that less than three such Filed Sub-Bids are received and the prices are not reasonable for acceptance without further competition; or if such Filed Sub-Bid is not one which conforms with Chapter 149, Sections 44A through 44J inclusive, of the General Laws as amended; or if such Filed Sub-Bid is on a form not completely filled in, or is incomplete, conditional or obscure, or contains an addition not called for; provided, however, that the failure of the Awarding Authority to reject such a Filed Sub-Bid within such period shall not validate such a bid nor preclude the Awarding Authority from subsequently rejecting it. The Awarding Authority encourages prospective bidders to employ qualified local labor should the bidders be awarded work pursuant to the bid procedure.


Fire / Police


Public - City






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30 Freeman St, Stoughton, MA

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