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Renovation of a municipal facility in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Hennepin County ("the County" or "Owner") expects to award a contract to the Proposer that offers the best value to the County based on the requirements of this solicitation. The Proposer selected for contract award will be deemed to be responsible and to have submitted a responsive proposal. The selected Proposer is expected to complete the Project without delays or cost increases within the Project Duration specified herein. This project is located at the Hennepin County Government Center at 300 S. 6th Street, Minneapolis, MN. 55487. This project will include complete replacement of the exterior atrium window glass and refurbishment of the curtainwall mullions. Bird safety glass will be used on both the north and south sides as shown on plans according to industry guidelines. Security film will be installed on the Service Level glass only. This project will be completed in two phases beginning with the south side. Small Business Participation: 0% for Small Minority-Owned Businesses (SMBE) 0% for Small Women-Owned Businesses (SWBE) Workforce: 32% minority workforce 20% female workforce The Owner's estimated construction cost for the Work is $7,440,000. 10/18/2024 Last Day for Questions (submitted via Electronically , closes at 4PM) Inquiries concerning the Technical Specifications and Drawings, or RFP must be submitted Electronically. If a Proposer believes an error appears in the RFP, it is asked to notify the persons listed below, of such error not later than the date and time indicated for receipt of written questions. Michael Rosenfeld Hennepin County Purchasing Department and Naboua Xiong Hennepin County Facility Services Department Inquiries related to the Contract Goals or the Utilization Plan shall be submitted to: Danny Nadeau Hennepin County Purchasing Department | 612-348-5185 11/20/2024 Interviews via Microsoft Teams 11/22/2024 Pre-Award (Tentative) via Microsoft Teams The Owner's estimated timeframe for the Contractor to substantially complete the Work is 450 days. This estimated timeframe was provided to the Owner by its consultant and is shared with Proposers for informational purposes, rather than to state a contractual requirement. Proposers are required to submit a construction schedule (Attachment D) with their proposal that states the number of calendar days it requires to substantially complete the Work. If the Owner accepts this proposed number of days or agrees to a different number of days with the selected Proposer, the agreed upon number of days for the Project Duration will be listed in the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction in Section 8.4 Liquidated Damages. The County reserves the right to determine, in its sole and absolute discretion, whether any aspect of a proposal satisfactorily meets the criteria established in this RFP; to seek clarification from any Proposer(s); to reject any or all proposals with or without cause; to cancel this RFP; to waive any irregularities or informalities in any proposal; and to add, delete, or modify any requirement or statement in this RFP if it determines doing so is in its best interest.




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300 South 6th St, Minneapolis, MN

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