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Published September 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Boston, Massachusetts. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority is soliciting Consultant Teams to perform Owner Project Manager (OPM) Services for complex capital projects using Construction Management at Risk services under MGL Ch. 149A to provide several administrative and technical support services including but not limited to: Assistance, preparation, and review of items during selection process; Leadership, assistance, and review of Preconstruction and Construction activities; Review and advice on Commissioning and Closeout Phase activities; and other related OPM services to be determined during task order development. The scope of services will be authorized on a task order by task order basis. The duration of the contract(s) will be multi-year. Proposers are solely responsible for assuring that the MBTA receives their SOQs by the specified delivery date and time as listed above. The MBTA shall not be responsible for delays and other occurrences beyond the control of the MBTA. This contract is expected to utilize Federal and non-federal funding. The DBE participation goal for this project is twenty-two percent (22%) of the total amount authorized. Additionally, the Authority strongly encourages the use of Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises as prime consultants, sub-consultants and suppliers in all its contracting opportunities. Responses to the Request for Qualification shall include one (1) digital copy, submitted via website of a current Standard Form (SF) 330 - Architect/Engineer Qualification Questionnaire for all proposed team members, including all proposed subconsultant firms. In addition, all firms including subconsultants must submit as part of the Statement of Qualifications, an Affirmative Action Plan, Employee Profile, and the most current Massachusetts Unified Certification Program (MassUCP) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Certification Letters. The prime consultant must describe how they plan to achieve the twenty-two percent (22%) DBE participation goal. Only MassUCP-certified DBE firm participation will be attributed to the DBE goal for this project. Please utilize Section H (Additional Information) of the Standard Form (SF) 330 to address the following: 1. Proposed Team and Organization. 2. Key personnel qualifications for scope of work. The proposed Owner Project Manager (OPM) assigned by the selected consultant shall a registered Architect or Professional Engineer and have at least five (5) years of experience in the construction and supervision of buildings. If not a registered Architect or Professional Engineer, the OPM must have at least seven (7) years of experience in the construction and supervision of buildings. 3. Project experience of consultant team members that best illustrates current qualifications relevant to this scope of work. 4. Additional information or description of resources supporting consultant's qualifications for the scope of work. In addition, Consultants shall provide: o Affirmative Action Plan/Employee Profile/DBE Certification Letters The Statement of Qualifications will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Proposed Team and Organization 10 points Key Personnel (OPM) Qualifications 20 points Relevant (OPM) Project Experience (Example Projects) 25 points Additional Information 25 points Personnel by Discipline 10 points General/Overall Evaluation 10 points AA/EP/DBE Evaluation Pass/Fail TOTAL 100 Points It is the practice of the Authority to encourage the economic growth of professional firms through broad solicitation and award of contracts. All capable firms are invited to submit a Statement of Qualification in accordance with the instructions presented in this solicitation. Following an initial evaluation of qualifications and performance data, firms considered to be the most highly qualified to provide the required services will be requested to submit proposals and may be invited to participate in oral interviews. Please note to be considered for an RFP, the proposer must pass the AA/EP/DBE Evaluation. This is not a Request for Proposal. The MBTA reserves the right to cancel this procurement or to reject any or all Statements of Qualifications.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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