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Published September 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Toronto, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000279000 You are invited to submit a quote for Designated Substance Surveys at 4085 Bathurst Street and 229 Manning Avenue in Toronto, ON for Houselink and Mainstay Community Housing The Owner is a non-profit supportive housing agency providing rent-geared-to-income housing and housing supports to individuals who are living with persistent mental illnesses and other special needs and currently manages 53 residential locations and more than 1,100 units across the City of Toronto. Designated Substance Surveys (DSS) are required for the two properties listed above. The purpose of the DSS is to minimize any possible health and environmental impacts related to upcoming capital repair and replacement projects, including roof replacement. The designated substance surveys are to be in accordance with the requirements of The Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act O.Reg. 490/09. The scope of work will include: A visual inspection of the properties including the exteriors and interiors of the buildings. A sampling of all exterior and interior surfaces including, but not limited to: • Roofing adhesives and mastics Exterior and interior sealants Exterior and interior paints • Exterior finishes O Interior finishes (drywall, plaster, ceiling tiles, flooring, etc.) • Insulation (pipe, wall, roof, attic, etc.) Roof coring to determine the composition of the roofing materials and to collect samples for laboratory analysis. Other destructive testing as required. An assessment and catalogue of the type, characteristics, and condition of the materials noted, as well as the collection of sample materials for laboratory analysis. The provision of Designated Substance Surveys (Assessment Reports) for each property, including: • An outline of materials of concern O Lab analyses and results of the materials tested The overall location and concentration of the materials of concern Remediation measures, conclusions, and recommendations materials, and provide safe and proper waste handling guidelines to minimize possible health and environmental impacts.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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