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Renovation of a mixed-use development in Albany, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and medical facility.

West Town Elementary Medical Office Construction. The work to be performed under this ContractA3wais subject to the Dougherty County Board of Education's policy on Equal Opportunity for Competitive Bids, DJEA~E. The DCSS encourages all Local/Minority/DBE Contractors to compete for and receive contracts for goods, services and construction associated with this project. Prime Contractors are encouraged to voluntarily pursue the maximum use of Local/Small Business/Minority/DBE Sub-Contractors and Suppliers. Dougherty County School System supports a drug free workplace and does not tolerate any use or possession of drugs and/or alcohol or use of such substances prior to performing any work on behalf of DCSS. Use of tobacco products is prohibited in all buildings and on all premises of DCSS. The Dougherty County School System requires all individuals working within a school building, or on a school site, to submit to a background check pertaining to felony convictions and sex offender convictions. Violent felons and sex offenders shall not be allowed within a school building or on a school site while school staff or students are in the building or on the site. Convicted predatory sex offenders shall not be allowed on DCSS property at any time. All decisions made in this effort to promote a safe school environment shall be assessed at the sole discretion of the DCSS Staff and the Dougherty County Board of Education. All expenses for preparing and submitting bids are the sole cost of the party submitting the bid. The DCSS is not obligated to any party to reimburse such expenses. Bids must be submitted on the proper Bid Forms (include all required attachments). Bids received after the designated times and/or without the required attachments will not be considered. No oral, telephonic, telegraphic, facsimile, or written modification to the bid will be considered after bid time. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after time and date of opening. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive technicalities and informalities. Bidders will be required to submit specific information/documentation with their Bids. The scope of work includes all labor, material, and equipment required to provide the West Town Elementary Medical Office as specified in the bid documents. All inquiries or questions concerning the Bid Documents shall be addressed to Tony Reese, Dougherty County School System, Facilities Services Department; 1711 Schilling Avenue; Albany, Georgia 31705; or by phone: (229) 431-1301 or e-mail: The work will include mechanical, electrical, plumbing, selective demolition, concrete, millwork, light gage metal framing/drywall, hollow metal door frames, doors/hardware, toilet accessories, acoustical ceiling, floor tile, and painting at West Town Elementary Medical Office; 1113 University Avenue, Albany Ga. If the Bid exceeds $100,000.00, Bidders will be required to furnish a 5% Surety Bid Bond with their Bid. The successful Bidder will be required to furnish Performance and a Payment Bonds in an amount equal to 100% of the Contract Amount and issued by a Corporate Surety authorized to conduct business in the State of Georgia. It is the Owners intent to award the project to a single Georgia Licensed Contracting Firm which will act as the Prime Contractor responsible for coordinating the work of all trades and ensuring the entire project is completed as scheduled. The Contract, if awarded, will be to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder and in the manner deemed to offer the best value to the Owner. The Dougherty County School System supports all equal opportunity policies: Federal, State, and Local. DCSS will not tolerate bias related activities, e.g. racial slurs, sexual harassment, from employees and/or contractors conducting work on behalf of DCSS.




Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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1113 University St, Albany, GA

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