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Published September 26, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Bellevue, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Active beaver dams require ongoing maintenance and management to mitigate potential culvert blockage, roadway or structure flooding, and migration blockages for salmon. The City of Bellevue Utilities Department is seeking to establish a contract with a qualified firm designed to manage active beaver dams on City owned properties or within City easement areas. All beaver dam maintenance and management efforts must be environmentally sound, meet the requirements as established in the WDFW Hydraulic Project Approval permit (HPA attached), and must balance the City's commitment to environmental stewardship and responsible stormwater management. Scope of Work: 1. Perform routine (typically weekly or bi-weekly) inspections and ongoing maintenance of active beaver dams (typically 6-8 sites per year) as identified by the City of Bellevue Program Administrator. Biologist must be present for all maintenance activities. 2. Evaluate sites for long term, science-based beaver management options. Provide recommendations for each site including possible devices and/or practices. 3. Maintain and evaluate new sites as directed by the Program Administrator. 4. Facilitate installation and monitoring of any beaver management devices. Acquire additional permits as needed. 5. Provide regular updates in addition to annual report per City's HPA requirements. 6. Assist with writing and review of 2026 permit application as needed. 7. Assist with creating beaver management training for staff as needed. 8. Assist with community education as needed. Requirements o Must have reputable beaver management experience. o Work must be performed by biologists. o Work must be performed by the contracted firm (no subcontractors). o Comply with Hydraulic Project Approval Permit for City of Bellevue Beaver Dam Management to manage known and new beaver dams. o Follow all City of Bellevue decontamination protocols for tools and equipment to prevent spread of New Zealand Mudsnails.


Water / Sewer

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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