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Published October 11, 2024 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Baltimore, Maryland. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

The Contractor shall supply all labor, material, supervision, equipment, insurance, permits including U&O (Unit of Occupancy Permit) and all other incidentals required to complete the work items listed below as requested by HABC, in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations. 1308 W Lafayette Ave (4 Bedroom Unit) General: 1. Remove and properly dispose of all Trash, Furniture and Miscellaneous Items in /on the Unit & Yard. 2. Cut and maintain grass & any overgrown vegetation. (Vines, branches...) 3. Supply and replace deteriorated rear metal porch and steps. 4. Supply and install new window blinds at every window. 5. Point up around building base and repair wall masonry. 6. Secure, scrape, and paint exterior handrails, steel porch, clothes pole & ac cage in Black Rustoleum. 7. Parge and seal basement walls to prevent moisture infiltration. 8. Paint rusted rear fence. 9. Stucco entire rear wall. 10. Seal or repair any exterior / interior openings to prevent rodents from entering. 11. Supply and install new closet poles (stain and poly) do not paint. 12. Supply and install new interior handrails (stain & poly) do not paint. 13. Sand, stain & poly stairway top rails (Painted) 14. Supply and install new kitchen cabinets and countertops, including new kitchen sink, faucet, supply lines, 1/4 turn shut off valves, escutcheon covers, and toe kick covering any gaps between adjoining base cabinets. Cabinets and countertops supplied by HABC. 15. Supply and install new Black range hood. 16. Supply and install new Black heat shield backsplash. 17. Final Cleaning of Entire Unit and Exterior to Make Ready for Occupancy. Bathrooms: 1. Supply and Install Two (2) Bathroom Exhaust Fan 2. Supply and Install Two (2) Fiberglass Vanity Bowl & Cabinet. 3. Supply and install Two (2) new 16-inch elongated toilets and seats including new supply line, 1/4 turn shut off valve and escutcheon cover. 4. Supply and install One (1) new steel bathtub with new fixtures, including secured showerhead & spout. 5. Supply and install ceramic tiles and thresholds on the bathroom floors, and shower wall with backer board and/or Durock underlayment. The Shower wall must be tiled all the way to the ceiling. Tiles must be 12"x12" or bigger & wall tiles must be different from floor tiles. 6. Superintendents must approve all tiles and 5% must be left over for future repairs 7. Supply and install Two (2) New Medicine Cabinet w/ mirror. 8. Supply and install all new Bath accessories in both bathrooms. Non-UFAS 9. Supply and install Two (2) Bathroom Vanity Faucet including 1/4 turn shut off valves, supply lines and escutcheon covers. Mechanical / Plumbing: 1. Supply and install new sump pump. 2. Supply and Install Drain, Waste & Vents (Bathroom). 3. Check and Inspect Gas Distribution (Stove, Water Heater, Furnace) for service and repair any leaks. 4. Inspect Water Distribution (Bathroom, Water Heater, Kitchen) for leaks, repair leaks throughout whole house water restored and inspected. 5. Service tankless water heater 6. Discontinue hose bibbs and seal wall holes. 7. Move / install the furnace thermostat to hallway wall by kitchen light switch. 8. Clean sprinkler heads. 9. Inspect whole house and Repair (if necessary) Drains, Water Distribution & Vent. Areas which include / but not limited to Bathroom, Kitchen, Laundry, Sump & Condensation Pumps. Snake the mainline & any other drains if necessary. 10. Service furnace / ac unit including cleaning off unit, new filter(s) and accessories. 11. Supply and install all vents/registers in unit. Electrical: 1. Supply and install (66) all new receptacles / switches. (Inside & outside) 2. Supply and install hardwired ceiling light w/ switch in the living room. 3. Supply and install (19) new LED light fixtures & (8) new Combo CO/Smoke Detectors. 4. Smoke detectors Must be Hardwired on a dedicated line. 5. Make sure GFCI's are installed near water sources in bathroom, kitchen, sump pump, water heater, washer & exterior outlet boxes. 6. Repair hardwired doorbell system. 7. Combo CO/Smoke Detectors must be installed in the basement, bedroom, and hallway outside bedroom. 8. Supply and install a 240-dryer receptacle and exterior vented exhaust in the dining room. 9. Check and repair (If necessary) Electric Service Panels for Gaps, Missing/Bad Breakers, Blanks & Doors. Clean & Paint Panel Cover Grey, (If Peeling/Damaged). Doors & Windows: 1. Supply and install new Solid Core 2 panel interior doors and hardware. Doors need to be ordered immediately (long lead time). 2. Supply and install new Front & Rear Metal exterior doors w/ frames and thresholds. 3. Exterior Doors must be weatherproof with no penetration of daylight around doors, must include peep holes & no mail slots. Keep (Deadbolts) supplied by HABC. 4. All doors are to latch properly (not rub or bind) and receive new knobs and hardware. 5. Repair and caulk all door frames before painting. 6. Repair all windows and screens (O.E.M. style) to be operable including broken glass, locks, latches, balances and accessories. (2 nd floor rear bedroom glass...) 7. Repair / Replace all loose, cracked, or damaged window frames /stools. 8. Caulk and paint exterior door frames and arches & Clean caulk exterior window frames and arches. 9. Supply and install new window blinds at each window. 10. Clean Windows & Sills, Line with paper towels before final inspection. Painting/Drywall Repair: 1. Supply all materials to Paint the Entire Units to Include: - Walls and ceilings shall be painted with two finish coats eggshell latex. - Kitchen and Bathroom walls & ceilings shall receive a semi-gloss final finish coat. - All doors, wood windows, wood trim, baseboard & round molding shall receive a White semigloss final finish coat. - Repair & paint peeling exterior masonry paint. - Paint the basement floor & stairs. (Battleship Grey) - The Contractor shall be responsible for all drywall repairs, point-up and resulting painting required, ensuring a high-quality finish that is acceptable to HABC Housing Management. - Paint shall be Sherwin Williams "Pro-Mar 200" in HABC Antique White color (or brand of equal color, finish, durability, etc.). -The Contractor shall follow United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Lead-Based Paint Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Program Rules. Flooring / Carpentry: 1. Supply and install "LIFE PROOF Rigid Core Luxury Vinyl Flooring" throughout the unit except in the bathrooms and kitchen. (Pelican Grey). 2. All floors must be sound & level before applying flooring. 3. Supply and install solid wood baseboard and 3/4 " round shoe molding throughout the unit. 4. Supply and install ceramic tiles and thresholds on the shower walls, kitchen and bathroom floors with 1/2 " backer board and/or Durock underlayment. The Shower wall must be tiled all the way to the ceiling. Tiles must be 12"x12" or bigger & wall tiles must be different from floor tiles. 5. Superintendents must approve all tiles and 5% must be left over for future repairs 6. Supply and install new stair treads and risers. 7. Repair / Replace damaged joist to secure & level subfloor. 8. Repair damaged / weak subfloor throughout the entire unit. (2 nd floor bedroom by windows) 9. Clean & apply an even coat of floor wax/sealer to floors before final inspection

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Residential Subdivision


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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October 10, 2024

November 11, 2024


1308 W Lafayette Ave, Baltimore, MD

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