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Published December 24, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a multi-residential development in Carmichael, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a multi-residential development.

SHARP Development, LP (SHARP) on behalf of the owner (Auburn Falls, LP) , is seeking a Licensed B General Contractor (GC) to provide Construction services for the project entitled "Auburn Falls - Sunset Ridge, Northcrest & Englebrook Apartments", described herein. Applicants with relevant experience and the qualifications required to implement the scope of work as described in this Invitation for Bid (IFB) are encouraged to respond. The selected Contractor will work with the owner's Project Team and the expectation is that a Construction Contract will be executed with the awarded Contractor. - The Summary of Work of this Contract comprises General Construction and Rehabilitation Services. The Applicant must be skilled in performing Construction activities in accordance with Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) regulations. In addition, the Applicant must be familiar with the local labor and subcontracting environment and implement Section 3 requirements and local business inclusion. Construction costs for this project are anticipated to be in the $6 million to $8 million range, which will include physical improvements to the buildings and various site improvements. This budget shall include all general conditions, overhead and profit, insurance, contingency, etc. This project will utilize 4% Tax Credits, and will be subject to regulations governing that funding source. At a minimum, the selected Contractor shall possess and maintain a Class "B" General Building Contractors License. Self-performing by the General Contractor is permitted under this solicitation. However, the following trades must be performed by a contractor / subcontractor who holds the specialty license: Asbestos Abatement (C-22); Electrical (C-10); Warm-Air Heating, Ventilation and A/C (C-20), Roofing (C-39); Low Voltage System (C-7); Fire Protection (C-16); Lathing and Plastering (C-35), Landscaping (C27). Surveillance subcontractor (must be a certified Digital Watchdog (DW) installer). All other trades may be either self performed or subcontracted. Question Submission Deadline:December 2, 2024, 5:00pm A new community building will be constructed at the heart of the site of an existing affordable housing project which includes five existing two-story residential buildings and a laundry facility. The new community building will be providing a multipurpose space, kitchen, and restroom. A patio will be constructed between the existing laundry room and new community space offering outdoor gathering space to residents. The existing tot-lot will be replaced with new equipment and fall protection surface. Parking lots will be re-sealed and striped, and improvements will be made to walkways on-site to provide accessible path of travel. Mailboxes will be relocated to be along the accessible path of travel. Existing residential buildings will receive exterior rigid insulation and water-resistant barrier at CMU block wall portions. Existing buildings will be painted. (3) units will be upgraded to meet current accessibility requirements. All existing residential units will receive new casework, appliances, plumbing fixtures, interior light fixtures, mechanical systems, flooring, entry doors and screen doors, interior doors, and replacement windows. 2- Sunset Ridge A new community building will be constructed at the heart of the site of an existing affordable housing project, project that includes four one and two-story residential buildings. An existing laundry room will be demolished and replaced with the new community space which will include a multipurpose room, kitchenette, laundry facilities, and outdoor covered gathering space. The existing parking lot will be partially reconfigured to increase efficiency and parking ease, providing the space needed to add the new community building. Existing planters will be removed to provide better vehicle maneuverability. A new, larger trash enclosure will replace the existing enclosure. Accessible path of travel on-site will be maintained and extended to include access to new community space and trash enclosure. Mailboxes will be relocated to be along the accessible path of travel. The existing monument sign will be replaced. Existing residential buildings will receive new roofs and will be repainted. (2) units will be updated to meet current accessibility requirements. All existing residential buildings will receive new casework, appliances, plumbing fixtures, interior light fixtures, mechanical systems, flooring, unit entry doors, interior doors, and replacement windows. 3- EngleBrook A new community building will be added to an existing affordable housing project that consists of three 2 story residential buildings, two existing trash enclosures, and a small laundry room that will be demolished. The new community building includes multipurpose space, a kitchenette, laundry facilities, and a manager's office. Mailboxes will be relocated to be along the accessible path of travel. The existing parking lot will be sealed and re-striped, and 2 new parking spaces will be added. Existing accessible parking spaces and walkways will be improved to meet the accessible path of travel requirements on site. The existing monument sign will be replaced. Existing residential units will received new casework, appliances, pluming fixtures, interior light fixtures, mechanical systems, flooring, and replacement windows. Existing residential buildings will be painted, repair dry rot as needed., and will receive new roofs. (2) units will be upgraded to meet current accessibility requirement. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




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Multiple Locations, Carmichael, CA

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